
Ehhh it wasn't terrible. Just incredibly unfocused and badly in need of an editor. It was also a huge comedown off of the brilliant and near perfect "The Terror". There were a lot of really effective, creepy scenes in it though, Wilkie's exploration of the underground tunnels and that maid trapped in the stairwell

Hard Times

I'm not saying the trailer makes sense. I'm just saying that for pure marketing reasons, it makes absolute sense to focus on those two. It would be weird if the trailer DIDN'T focus on Smith.

How was it odd to focus on those two? WIll Smith is one of the most famous people on the planet and Margot Robbie is hotter than the sun.


No worries, dude. Thanks for the recs!

I want to marry this comment and have its babies

So can the nail on my big toe, but you don't see me writing a book about it.

I started working my way through Discworld chronologically last year so this is my first Vimes. The series is really starting to come into its own now. Really looking forward to slowly moving my way towards the juicy Discworld center.

Thanks for the rec! I really want to make sure I give Borges a fair shot considering how big an influence he's played on some of my favorite authors. In theory, I like the concepts he talks about, but I'm just finding it very hard to stay engaged while reading. A straightforward narrative definitely sounds like a

Just finished Moby Dick yesterday. I laughed, I yawned, I cringed, I furrowed my brow at the overindulgent usage of the word "sperm." All in all, this is such a strange book to be nominated for BEST BOOK EVER status. It's obviously rich in symbolism, but Ahab disappears for a good 200 page stretch in the middle and


Cool! i just added you

Mujuice is great! i discovered him in a story on Russian electronic music culture that Pitchfork did a few years back. I'm hardly a super fan but I greatly enjoyed his "Teal Day" EP. Looking at his discogs page now had I didn't realize he had so much stuff. I will be downloading copiously when i get home.

I actually loved me some Koontz back in junior high/high school. "Strangers", "Watchers", "Lightning", "The Bad Place"…

Not like that hack Koontz. KOOOOOOOOOOOOOONTZ!

i'm down

The Millions, maybe?

I'm late to the comments on this, but if you like The Blade Itself, you'll love what comes after. I came at Abercrombie from the exact same place as you did, the only other fantasy I read being ASOIAF and Tolkien. I thought Abercrombie's writing improved substantially through each of his first 6 books.

Read yourself some Pale Fire! If you want "unusual," nothing tops that. And it's just as darkly funny as Lolita.