
OK upon further inspection, you're right. "A New Wave" is the best song. It is the beating heart of this album. I'm not one to get emotional listening to most music, but I can't help but well up a bit when Corin and Carrie harmonize on the chorus. It's a rare moment in music that gives me an all natural buzz for a

OK so I just finished. Wow. My opinion of this book has gone way up in these last 70 pages. Tai's decision to not go to the new emperor really changed my view of what I said before about being kept at a distance. It now makes sense what Kay was doing, having Tai get swept along in the tide of history. Like you

Lovecraft! I read a giant collection of his stuff last year, and it was far and away the best thing I read. He has such a distinct voice. It totally transcends any and all parodies done throughout the decades. You are in for a wild fucking ride with him.


Ooooooooh… Rage vomit. That's my least favorite kind of vomit.

That is a very very wise choice!

Hey spoiler alert for 163 year old book, dude.

Have you read the Stephen King short story "Survivor Type"? You really really should.

I've read Fight Club, Survivor, Choke, and Lullaby, as well as his non-fiction Portland travelogue. It's been a good decade since I last read anything by him though. I definitely remember a severe feeling of diminished returns with him. I got irritated with all of his books being told in exactly the same voice, and

I have about 70 pages left. As much as I'm enjoying the book, there is something keeping me from loving it. The protagonist has almost zero agency. He is basically being told what to do and where to go by people much more powerful than him for most of the book. I'm getting that that is kind of the point, but it

Is this actually what happens? If so, I'm totally disappointed that it has a reasonable explanation.

Guy Gavriel Kay's "Under Heaven." I've been looking forward to reading him for a while, and many posts from you fellow commenters in this very section led me to him. Very glad you did!

I still don't think they topped The Woods (That's ok. No band has ever or will ever top The Woods), but they have made a damn fine rock album. And holy fuckballs is it satisfying to hear some overlapped Tucker/Brownstein singing again.

Feeling the same way about "Hey Darling" and the title track. You know an album is great when everyone has a different favorite song.


I heard it wasn't happy with the direction of its character and opted out of season 3. It's to be replaced with a cuttlefish.

Me too. Well… just the face.

He sounds like a real dick fart.

What are your thoughts on Dream Quest/ I read pretty much all of Lovecraft's output for the first time this year. That one was far and away the most bizarre, and that is saying something.