
Matchstick Men, dude

They were in a different quadrant

Almost as much as "Shshshshshshshshshit".

I was actually wondering if we would ever find out how Jax mysteriously hurt his leg at the beginning of the last episode. Did I miss something?

Lovecraft! I went on an epic Lovecraft binge this year and finished off pretty much everything by him, with the exception of a couple of his earlier shorter pieces and all of his later collaborations. The dude just completely owns his writing style. It's so purple and dense and almost claustrophobic in a way. Some

I found the book made a lot more sense once I realized that all the characters who weren't making any sense were high.

This has become my favorite feature on the site. I'm always afraid I'm going to miss it. So so many great book recs from the comments section here. Thank you, you beautiful beautiful bookworms.

Have you by chance read Dan Simmons' Drood? That was where I first heard of Collins. The novel is too long and too often goes off on tangents but it succeeds in giving off an atmosphere of impending doom and dread. Highly recommended if you aren't in a hurry to get to a payoff.

Caveat: Out of the three you mentioned, I've only read War & Peace.

I think I just didn't like the writing style. It was all post-modern self-referential with a barely-there story. I was never drawn into it at all. I liked the sentiment of the book (start living your life instead of sitting on the sidelines) and saw what Yu was going for, but I felt like he was trying to hit me


I had no idea they were making it into a movie!

I finished off How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe earlier this month. I really did not like it. It felt too forced-quirky and the world was barely sketched out at best.

I'm pretty sure you can do both

You're thinking of Herve Villachez

Struggling to remember who left the show suddenly. Which character are you referring to?

All of the actors gave it a B-

So it's the gaming equivalent of Sons of Anarchy is what you're saying. Yeah i can see that.

funky fresh!