“’Unauthorized’ isn’t just the first episode in the show’s history to not have its title formatted in the form of a computer file or program...”
“’Unauthorized’ isn’t just the first episode in the show’s history to not have its title formatted in the form of a computer file or program...”
Here’s a fun fact I spotted at the end of the video: that group (Angel City Chorale) from the article were among the performers of this song!
I think it speaks to the strength of this episode’s plot and writing that your comment is the only one that has mentioned the aspect ratio of this episode, when in other episodes that might have been considered notable to lots of people.
Gamesplanet says their keys are region free, and it’s a couple bucks cheaper after the currency conversion:
Gamesplanet says their keys are region free, and it’s a couple bucks cheaper after the currency conversion:
The thinking there is that with these text message scams, you're already looking at your phone, so just pop open the app and see if there's an alert there.
Excellent! Thanks for the fix!
As an employee of a third party contractor at a major financial institution, I would wholeheartedly second this. The moment somebody tells me that email from "us" starts with "Dear valued customer" I know it's fake. I just pray they haven't clicked any links in the email...
Age of Empires III: Complete Collection ($8) | Greenman Gaming | Use promo code O3H7FE-D4NFO0-F0LIGK
Yes. They're changing OneNote to a service instead of just an app. You can download the app for any platform at http://www.onenote.com
The #1 problem with this is that Fox is selling the Super Bowl ad time separately online vs. on air. That means you won't be getting the same ads online as on television.
If you keep an eye out on deals sites, it's not too hard to find one year subscriptions for $5. I recently renewed my subscription for two years for $9.50. All Wired print subscriptions come with digital access for free, so that's great too.
If you haven't played Batman: Arkham Asylum and Batman: Arkham City yet you no longer have an excuse.
Thanks! Just wanted to make sure it wasn't going to break it because Roaring Apps doesn't have Premiere CS6 listed for Mavericks yet. I've got a 2010 i5 MBP too, so glad to hear it should work well. Guess I need to back things up and then get upgraded!
I haven't been able to find any compatibility information for Premiere Pro CS6. Do any of you (especially the Lifehacker crew) know if there are any problems? I need Premiere to work and I really want those multi-monitor improvements!
Does anyone have any experience with the laptop stand on sale today? The Amazon reviews are 4.1, but the top reviews tend to be negative, so I'm a little wary.
The Intex Inflatable Pull-out Chair made me laugh. On two related side-notes:
Amazon's now got a Gold Box lightning deal on the straight cable version of these headphones for $109.95 (but, you know, Prime eligible). It looks like the only difference is straight cable versus coiled cable.
Amazon's now got a Gold Box lightning deal on the straight cable version of these headphones for $109.95 (but, you…
The podcast app that I use (and love) is Pocket Casts.
Definitely worth it!
Definitely worth it!