Davina Spafford Stuart

Make This 7

Yes. And anyone who doesn’t know or respect that really shouldn’t be making a Wonder Woman movie.

I was going to make the same comment. Even if this is the origin story that the movie goes with, I would hope they would leave Ares as Zeus’s son. The rest of the origin story wouldn’t be any different, and they could at least get some of the Greek mythology correct.

Considering the number of parents who brought kids to see Deadpool, I think taking the extra step to call this one out is fair.

I didn’t see him either.

Honestly, I miss the days of just casting a younger actor who kind of looks like the older one. It requires some suspension of disbelief, but doesn’t take me out of the movie instantly like now.

Where was Orlando Bloom in that trailer???

“The Final Adventure.”

You must be thinking of the Standalone Complex episode. The fact that she’s supposedly the first of her kind is probably the only thing that bothers me about this movie.

A) Aside from the manga (which is goofy in it’s own right) - there is no original canon as every medium and take on GitS takes place in a different continuity

Spike was Gormogon.

I agree that Spike > Angel, but for different reasons.

Maaaybe, just maybe, it has to do with the fact that his character was an immortal ageless vampire, and he as a human has aged 20 years since the introduction of said character? He was already looking a little “long in the tooth” (sorry, sorry, I’m so sorry) by the end of Angel Season 5 and that was like 13 years ago.

No one suffered more than Spike. So yeah Spike > Angel.

Spike > Angel

That is how I stopped pirating movies and shows, I had a service that gave me options to watch original and licensed works on the services they provide, Prime and Netflix, without the original content on Netflix with the Marvel Shows, I would have never signed up, and when Amazon started making original works that is

If pirating is stealing then what is pirating something that I wouldn’t watch otherwise because the damn content is simply not available legally where I live due to outdated, idiotic restictions? It’s not on TV. We don’t have Hulu or Amazon. We’ve had Netflix since last year and its catalog is only a fraction of what

Which is exactly why their demands should be met with the same sledgehammer they’ve used against content providers for decades. In its own perverse way, it’s only because of widespread piracy that we have systems like Netflix and Steam that offer readily available content at affordable prices. By shifting the blame to

Just like spotify, netflix, and steam style services have absolutely decimated piracy numbers, the most effective way to combat piracy is to remove the incentive to pirate works. If you make it absolutely seamlessly easy to just pay a nominal amount of money for something, it actually works...

Luke Evans can pull off the persona for sure, but I did wince a little when they cut to him for the “intimidating” part of the song as he looked a bit meek in the costume rather than the hulking neanderthal from the animation.