Davina Spafford Stuart

Actually, the game started as a pitch for an online MMO. That never went anywhere, and Ty turned it into a post-to-play RPG on a forum.

No gauntlets, quaking gets ouchy pretty quick.

I love and miss LMayD

Easily one of the best episodes of the entire show. Holy shit.

You left out May-B’s (LMD May’s) sacrifice. I’d say all of the ladies were hitting it out of the ball park last night.


I believe it was a rights issue for the movies they riffed. They’re essentially reusing the work for their own profits so they had to find ones that were in the public domain or who’s rights could be purchased for cheap.

Agreed. It was ‘joy’ful. The ending caught me off guard. I know it was in the, I mean the Framework. But still I couldn’t help wondering the fate of Simmons. And May? Damn! Didn’t see it coming.

Agreed. I was on the edge of my seat. That was some good stuff. This season overall has been such a breath of fresh air after all the Inhumans boredom.

My gut feeing is that Sabine will find a Mandalorian leader, but it won’t go as planned. She will re-join the rebels, but only ,after setting up a new Mandalorian guild of Protectors. Knights who answer to the unifying force of the House of Wren, under the symbolic and corrupting force of the Darksaber. Someone in

It’s basically super-hero themed improv comedy every week - there’s no thread at all. It’s a light diversion, but there’s nothing to invest in. It won’t get renewed for a second season.

Agree. It has nothing to do with the actors themselves. Every single one is an amazing comedian on their own. The writing is just sub-par. Just imagine if they took Tudyk’s failed TV star character from Con-man and placed him here. I would absolutely love that.

It’s a brainless office comedy that name drops people and places from the dc universe. It would be better if Van were written as less as a rich Michael Scott and more as a charming Bill Lumberg type. I’m 3 episodes in and I’m already sick of him. AND I LOVE ALAN TWODICK.

I love Danny Pudi from Community. His character there was the lovable geek stand-in. But his Powerless character is very different. He is written significantly meaner and just petty. He is an asshole engineer. That can honestly go for most of the major side characters. They default to just being mean assholes.

Luke has lowered the admission requirements significantly. Who’s gonna tell him not to?

Huh. Cool. Now we know.

I… I would watch Graboids Take Manhattan.

I don’t remember the venom either, unless 5 had it, i kinda glazed over watching 5. The TV show was pretty awesome though.

It bugs me so much that the order of the names doesn’t match in that Life poster.

Will it be a musical?