Davina Spafford Stuart

I can’t be the only one who yelled “THAT’S IT? IT’S OVER???” at the TV after the screen went black.

I can’t believe they brought back The Lone Gunmen and wasted them in a 1/2 sec cameo .

She’s too much a “little girl” anyway. Nothing against little girls (or teenage girls or whatever), but she doesn’t seem very “Doctor-y”

The issue with Maisie is that she was a substantial role, not just a side character buy one responsible for the death of a companion with a multi-episode arc. Heck, I'd rather River came back as the Doctor if we're opening it up like that. She'd act the sh*t out of it.

Or she could just reprise her role as another TARDIS-flying immortal and give The Doctor a break.

This makes me think that some folks just don’t know when to stop. But then, where do you draw the line as a dev? Draw it one place and people think your a asshole, draw it somewhere else and you have fans like the one guy I saw at a MLP con asking the creators of a fucking -KIDS- show when they were going to openly

Personally, I am dreading this film. The whole idea sounds terrible. I am not saying the movie is bad or must be bad, but as far as I am concerned the whole concept is bad. I hope they pull it out, but to me it is starting from a bad place.

They’ll never be The Real Ghostbusters...

Bad Chef! Using a mandoline without the little pusher thing! That’s how you wind up slicing your fingertips off.

Holy shit. this episode fucking traumatized me. See, in my old house, my brother and I shared a room for most of our lives. It was ahuge room, used to be a second living room. Once we got older, we decided we wanted our own rooms, and my parents built a wall down the middle, giving us each a decently sized room. So

Know what’s not bittersweet? A mid-twenty-something who can’t do shit for themselves...

Can’t wait for the kids with the Curvy Barbie to realize they can’t find any good clothes in her size. They’ll have to make do with Maternity Barbie’s hand-me-downs.

If it took hitting Mattel’s pocket books to invoke change...then good. Hopefully these sell to encourage more companies to follow suit.

While it’s a welcome and long-overdue change, the real reason is that Barbie’s lunch is being eaten, and Mattel had to do something.

Indeed. I don’t think many people know that the “fibre” in fiberglass is made up of actual fibres.

Really? I never had a problem with his face, it looked pretty neutral to me, just a regular face, nothing special, which was quite refreshing, not every villain needs to have his face deformed. It’s his whiny emo teen attitude that I couldn’t understand.

NO! Reality is not welcome here, we prefer it to be shady aliens or a tiny rip in the fabric of space or something. If he is a little cloud of dust he sure looks very lonely. I think he should be made into an anthro-cloud comic strip ASAP.

Dammit, don’t jinx him. He’s 69 years old, British and beloved in pop culture. Death has a quota. Don’t give her ideas.

Thanks! I just find it so baffling that Finn is the co-lead and he’s left kind of a blank and if he’s just “nobody” then Rey got the Speshulness treatment in this film AND gets the legacy, which seems really unbalanced. Yet the best people seem to be able to come up with for him is that he’s related to one of the

Rey is Kanan and Hera’s kid.