Davina Spafford Stuart

God I hate licensing agreements. This is why I stockpile my own movies in addition to my Netflix subscription: Generally speaking, the studios don't get to dictate when I have to delete stuff.

The Warrens and many other paranormal 'demonologists' do not have any real credentials; (i/e the Warrens claim that they have sanction from the Catholic Church-they do not) Others have phony degrees. Most of these cases are exaggerations, misconceptions or down right deceptions for various reasons. With Amityville as

Films of any genre that say 'based on true events' basically means 'yeah we took the title and maybe some of the source material but the rest is purely what we thought of when drunk'.

Why hasn't Nathan been given his own Marvel film so far. Surely that counts as a crime against humanity or at least a cruel punishment?

We used to have a lot of lower-budget shows, usually syndicated, that were tons of fun to watch. We loved them,

Thank Glob I was watching this on Hulu. I had to pause because I was laughing so hard. Going thru an incredibly painful (and well deserved) cybernetic transformation, only to be instantly blown away by Phil Coulson in a "what the hell" kind of afterthought. Comedy gold.


Daniel Day Lewis as Stephen Strange, anyone? Or Alan Rickman? It would be great to see him in a movie where he's the star, instead of in a movie where he's upstaging the star...

Even Riker likes looking at Riker.

I think I've had this happen to me a couple of times. I toss and turn and feel like I never fall asleep all night. I know I must have, because I'm not completely exhausted in the morning and I will look at the clock and see a half hour or more has gone by in what felt like a far shorter period of time.

Wholeheartedly agree about "Shades Of Grey." I remember watching it first-run and thinking, "No... they're not going to do a clip show on Star Trek, are they?" and then they did. I thought maybe I'd tuned into Family Ties by mistake.

See, Jurassic Park (the theme park, not the movie) could be a viable attraction . . . if they just didn't include the meat eaters. Go 100% plantosaurus instead of including some meatosaurus in the mix and even if they did get out (which, face it - if Jurassic World's beasts didn't get loose, it would be a boring as

I don't care what anyone says, I love that episode...especially the Triceratops.


I hate it when I really like a movie and the public doesn't.

I'll never be convinced that calling it John Carter of Mars wouldn't have helped it massively.

Well thank you for keeping it friendly at least. So I'll try...

Although having a woman as a foil to the "good guys" just proves that girls can do everything boys can do including being a universe shattering evil super power. This could actually be kind of pro-feminist (unless she did it over a boy then that'd suck).

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Yeah, and it's not only an hour of television that breaks your heart, tears it out of your chest and rips it into tiny bits but it also abandoned pretty much every Buffy-ism (if that makes any sense). Buffy isn't the kick-arse Slayer, she's a hot mess who pretty much spends the whole hour in a state of numb shock.

Why studio executives thought it was a good idea to force David Lynch to solve this mystery in the middle of the second season; the word is that they were trying to combat Twin Peaks' declining ratings, but what did they think would happen after the mystery was solved?