Davina Spafford Stuart

plus many movie theaters are going to be showing it at the same time as it airs.. that is how we are going to be watching it.. on the big screen in 3d with lots of other crazy fans... and yes, we are dressing up..

** Spoilers may be included**

where's the dragon???

this would be so terrifying and frustrating.. a few years ago, in 2007, after a car accident, I would suffer moments where, mid-sentence, words would randomly vanish from my vocabulary.. they'd be there one second in my head, but when i went to say the word.. *poof* it would be gone and i'd just stop.. struggling to

ah, come on.. just cuz some of my hubby's lines link him to Odin...

agreed.. it was a fine movie the first time i watched it.. but, i spent the summer with my grandparents when that came out.. and apparently, sending the 8 year old to the movie theater at least once a week (always to see ET..) was their preferred form of babysitting... i so HATED the film by the end of the summer...

at our house, He Who Must Not be Named is the Burger King...

I live in Alaska.. come time for Halloween, odds are we have snow and freezing temps. All _good_ costumes up here need to either incorporate some sort of bundling, or allow for a proper coat.. and snow boots.. unless you are going to some sort of indoor event, and even then, you're going to need that coat and those

we actually run christmas lights through out the house, on timers, all year long. have them set to come on at night for a few hours and again in the morning, early, when everyone is getting up for work/school.. makes it a much easier transition, and means we don't need to turn on as many overhead lights. (We live in

agreed. he's a good enough actor and he really does Sherlock amazingly well, but i don't get the adoration... my 19 year old step daughter just fawns over him to the point where we really can't watch any show he's in with her because of her running commentary about his "hotness" or whatever... very annoying.. he

My problem isn't that they used Khan.. that's fine.. and I think a lot of us would agree, fine, semi iconic character, he was gonna show up at some point.. now it's done and we can move on.. the problem and reason we're upset about it was all the months of bloody swearing up down and sideways that it WASN'T GONNA BE

it's vague enough that it _could_ be used.. but it would be a bit much of an "easy out".. so would love to see something more interesting for an explanation...

wait.. did i miss something or did you just state that someone born in 1976 would be 46?? cuz.. the math don't work for that.. think you might mean 36.. speaking as one born in 1973, a few years before Cumberbatch was born.. and I'm only 39 (for another month, anyway...)

the summer ET came out, I spent in California with my grandparents.. they decided that the movie theater was a great babysitter and would drop my sister and I off to watch ET at least once a week. We got no say in this.. It was an ok movie the first time or two we saw it. By the end of the summer I HATED ET with a

almost makes me wish we had cable again.. i use to love the old beach musical movies.. How to tame a wile bikini, beach blanket bingo and the like.. they were fun, this sounds very similar in nature.. hope they pull it off well.. will have to look for it later for me..

agreed.. i would go out and buy several of these... we have a 5 year old grand daughter who has inherited some of our old barbie things (the girls all saved some of their stuff to pass down to their kids...after i had passed some of my old barbie stuff down to them..) and we do foster care so always have a few around

we got one of her paintings years ago.. hubby was deployed so I requested one for him for his return.. Uncle Deadly (1:32 mark on the video, lower right hand corner) hangs in our living room to this day. we love it, she did a great job

oh, and this sort of thing isn't all that unusual for sports fishermen out here in Alaska, they just don't usually get them this big/old and not often this sort.. and the few big/old fish the sportsmen take are a drop in the bucket to what the commercial fisheries out here take in...

link to the actual story here in the Anchorage media with a LOT more detail: KTUU news

well, at that point, really why not just put them in a vegetative state?