Davina Spafford Stuart

well, he did get some pizza joint experience from his part in Return of the Killer Tomatoes...

it looks to me like a plate of doughnuts.. the receptionist from the police station was always laying out huge spreads of doughnuts.. (watched the whole mess on netflicks a few months ago..dang that was a good show...)

i do think it was a bit of a rush job though.. sue to having limited episodes for the season and knowing the end was coming... it really did deserve a better set up, but, he was trying to cram a lot of development and set up into that last season..

i did bento style lunches for my step daughter last summer for her summer job. she loved them and they were really so much easier and healthy then the non-bento style lunches i'm doing right now for her sister and hubby.. they didn't go for what we were doing.. i'm still trying to figure out how to get them more into

well, i've got the 4 dogs.. (we had 5, but one just lost her battle with lymphoma last friday night..) can't do cats as i'm very highly allergic.. in the past 10 years, we've had somewhere around 100 mice over about 5 years, 2 gerbils, a hamster, and 3 other dogs.. and we're a doggie foster home for a local rescue..

seconded.. and i've never been entirely sure when the "change over" was either.. it's not like it's something they announce in the papers or the news or anything.. you don't get a "breaking news story" about a perceived customary increase in tipping rates.. someone might actually sit down and "officially" figure

let me just say.. that can and does happen. pretty closely describes my marriage. things aren't always perfect, cuz, duh.. life rarely is.. and part of our "decision" to do this was due to some outside influence (I was injured in a car accident and have a few medical issues that now make working full time outside the

it still makes a good emergency heater.. though i'd most likely keep it for camping or at home emergencies.. (I live in Alaska and temps of -20 or colder aren't uncommon in winter and power outages are fairly common as well..) though I'd likely use #10 cans as they are easier to come by.. wouldn't be likely to use

i know we have a fox or two in my neighborhood.. i've seen one once in 7 years (that I'm aware of.. ) and at first i thought it was just a large cat.. which we also have a lot of in the neighborhood.. and had to do a second look to see that, nope, it was a fox.. i love little foxes, they are so stinking cute. Have had

also.. when is Wolverine ever _not_ in a bad mood??

i'm also not a "normal".. body weight and shape, yes and lots of other things (in fact, my dx came about because i'd seen a dr phil episode about it ages ago and asked my doc if this might be at least part of what was wrong with me.. hoping it was cuz otherwise i was terrified it was going to be cancer or something..)

well, since these "dresses" really _are_ little more then long t-shirts....

this has been a thing for at least 20 years. I was at some arts and crafts fair thing chatting with some weavers and spinners and they were telling me how they collected the undercoat hairs from their dogs and it made good (and fairly free) yarn. I thought then that it was pretty cool, and if my hubby ever manages to

our system is one we set up and maintain ourselves. we have dogs. we have cameras. we have signs informing people they are being filmed. we also have a sign informing people that they could be met at the door by the dogs and myself or my husband with guns or a crossbow (that bit is mostly for our own amusement and is

wait.. is syfy allowed to actually show sci-fi anymore?? that said.. this looks like it could be good.. hope so.. still don't have cable, though so everyone here will have to let me know if it's good enough to buy the dvd's

well, if they'd just stick to the original story where the step sisters cut their feet to bit trying to fit into the slipper, and then they and momma have their eyes pecked out by birds after the wedding and momma is forced to dance in red hot slippers, that would be pretty dark while allowing Cindi to have her

no.. just please.. no.. I use to work as a receptionist in a gastroenterology office years ago. Our office didn't do bypass surgeries and the like, but we saw LOTS of patients who had those things done elsewhere. I've seen the charts (what with having to do the filing and all...) and I've taken their info and

i did leave it all night and it never did manage it.. lol. did get from MC Frontalot to Mel Torme though a few of the jumps were a bit silly...

I think I might have killed it trying to go from MC Frontalot to Mozart.. and yes, Nerd Core Rap and classical really are both in my home collection.. it says it is building a path between the two.. but, it has been saying that for the last 5 minutes with no indication of progress...

we do rescues as well.. not set up for larger dogs, though the rescue we work with has a great little pitty who was found near death (some one reported a dead dog, but when animal control got there, he was barely alive.. had been out for who knows how long, starved, bitten, possibly used as a bait dog... etc..) he is