Davina Spafford Stuart

@twophrasebark: i forgot about that til you mentioned it,, but now that i'ts been dredge up.. i remember liking the tv series.. though i don't recall too many details about it... (maybe it's better that way...) same goes for the movie.. gonna have to add to netflix list i guess

he didn't see any landing beacon.. massive life form readings though...

I got to see the start of it (thank you Alaska, meant it started about 9:30 pm) there were some clouds, but not enough to block the view, but had to get up early for work so didn't get to stay up and watch the whole thing.. would have liked to, up here we don't usually get to see too many of the big celestial events..

@Davina Spafford Stuart: oh yeah, staying home on fridays wouldn't be a problem, but like i said, it wouldn't matter since we hulu anyway..

I have to watch it on Hulu, so it doesn't really matter when it's on, I can't watch it "live" either way.. (no cable and sucky location for over air.. we can maybe get nbc, abc, pbs and cw.. but not usually all of them in the same location in the house.. no cbs or fox anywhere in the house thus far.. ) and switching

@tramusen: yes.. I'm starting to wish I had cable again... not enough to go sign up or anything, but dang there'd be plenty to watch this week...

@Evafortuna: I absolutely adore them.. of course, that could be influenced by my love of the older Indiana Jones movies, cheesey movies in general, and the fact that I am a librarian... though we never get up to such adventures where I work...

@FodderTheSane: i loved that show.. i felt the same way.. I so wanted this to be a reboot of this show.. but from what I hear.. it's not.. I have no cable so haven't seen any of this new one yet. but I so miss misfits of science...

@RedCrown: but we've seen that.. when Luke, Chewie and the droids all showed up as guests on the Muppet Show..........

@thefloodgod: The only problem with that is, have you tried watching it lately?? As much as hubby and I remembered loving this movie, we tried watching it again a few years ago and it was just so painful.. we made it all the way through, barely, and only because we forced ourselves.. but it hasn't held up well

@CParis: Oh I don't know.. we dug around and found our long lost and half forgotten about VHS copy of the original last week and watched that. We thought it was great. I mean, sure, the effects are really outdated, but considering the film is like 30 years old, that's no shocker and to be expected. We can do just as

keeping in touch with my step kids when they are out of state is half the reason I went on facebook in the first place. Of the 4 of them, only 1 doesn't friend any of his family (except his older sister). Also have my sister, cousins, an aunt, great aunts and uncles, etc.. my mom and brother aren't on there yet, so

@barrywoods: will have to look into those.. we have pomeranians and a jack russel.. the one of the poms occasionally has issues with refusing to use the door cuz it's "weird" we had to remove the hard plastic flap that is supposed to be in there and have a softer plastic layered curtain on the outside of the artic

@barrywoods: I still live in Alaska.. old house with all sorts of drafts. We caulked closed the worst of the leaking windows (master bedroom) We will eventually be replacing all the windows, but that gets pricey. We use the plastic window sheeting over most of the windows in the house and that works just fine. And

@FakingThruLife: if you are lucky enough to have a copy of it... host a viewing party for all your friends who aren't.. heh darn thing is hard to come by these days..

@OgilvyTheAstronomer: ooh.. ouch.. that's the one I read first that introduced me to him and Gaiman.. and made me determine I must read more of his stuff.. I haven't had the chance to get anything signed yet. Had hoped to go to the convention in 2009 (since it was my birthday weekend, even..) but hubby got deployed

@bakana: no. you MUST read all of his stuff. He won't be "cranking them out" for much longer and they are so truly wonderful. I am jealous of your signed copy.. (sorry, I'm a bit fanatical about his stuff... and horrified by the thought that he may not be around much longer...)

@anuran001: yay!! I am in desperate straits at present as I can not find my copy of it anywhere.. We've moved rooms in the house to do some remodeling and it seems to have vanished.. and it is driving me a bit crazy... If I can't find it by next week I am going to have to go get it from the library, which is going to

very cool.. though, seriously, why does Matt perpetually look like he's about 12 years old... all awkward angles and long limbs that it seems like he doesn't know what to do with... love him to death in the role now, but seriously, in that clip he looks like a wee little teenager...

@RCS82: or the post-college child moving back home..