
Its worth buying for the Computer Blue Hallway Speech mix. Hell the second disc is just WOW.

Yeah I figured he got killed when he went inside the house and thus not making his appointment with Andy.

So Sweeny is a fairy folk that got the most rewards and thus still survives.

it was a very bad Judy Garland.

K you made me curious, how does the book touch on this? Sweeney not being a god blindsided me. Did I think he was a powerful one, no but I still thought he was a god. I dont know if I can get behind a semi human hybrid that just gets punched in the nuts for whatever comic humor.

One dies a hero and the other moves to Canada,becomes a jesuit and seems pretty disatisfied. Hester on the other hand.

Meany, Sweeny, pretty much writes itself.

I'd say the narrator was far more unlucky than Owen.

I think the title just plays on Irving's book. It a favorite of mine but I don't see any connection.

In the historical context that Maher used it I don't think its racist at all. Blacks weren't refered to as slaves in the south well not by their owners.

House vs. Field has a long history in American Slavery.

Well he knew the historical content of what he was saying.

I thought it was brilliant that they put him in that hairstyle as he's apologizing for lynching a black man.

Totally agree, I think it's gonna be hard to compete with this episodes style and tone. It was just beautiful to watch.

Legends was better.

Fake Deathstroke seemed a bit thicker than Manu.

So everyone is alive but Evelyn.

Slade doesn't need to start or end each sentence with "kid".

The Richard Chamberlian cameo was my "okay who isn't going to be in this series?"

Yeah I have yet to figure out why the speed force needs a speedster in it.