
So Barry marries Cisco and his kids are cool with it?

Seems really lame that they have HR around who doesn't do much beside comedy til the last 4 episodes where he falls in love, saves the day and dies. But as bas as this seaon has been…whatever.

I have avoided it since it first came out and read what it was. Never do I need to watch 2 people literally eat shit.

Show looks like they want to kill off Kat. shame but lets Han Solo her.

But it works……………….

For a moment I thought I was going to witness Cloris Leachman's bare breast.

So the finale is gonna be Arrow's team facing off with Chase's team over Oliver rescuing his son on that damn island? Sorry bored to death.

Yes we know, everyone knows, every site that talks bout The Flash KNOWS.

Wouldn't sucking all the oxygen out of the building to put out the fire also kill all the people in the building?

I dont have the chest, shoulders, or neck fot that.

Granted there wasn't as much blood sport in Robbin's novel.

I have never heard of the book(s) before, but heard bout the show and who was in it. I'm enjoying it and I like the concept of the old gods and new gods. Honestly after watching the first episode it kinda reminded me of Tom Robbin's Book Jitterbug Perfume. That basic premise was the idea that gods are only as

Its not amused?

oh something on twitter is saying Prince Philip is dead.

Last post before sleep I did think that the new black canary had some really good beats in this episode, which was really need to flesh her out.

When you start messing with Methane gas, you make accomindations, though I haven't figured out wy methane is pumping through the bunker.

Wild Dog and Mr. T.hmmmmmmm…………………………

I dont give a shit bout Olicity, i just miss fun Felicity.

Cisco would have made an exit, though it would have made no difference in this episode. Stop Throwing shade at Cisco.

do we care? lord next season Oliver raises a kid??? That is Flash season bad.