
Why Oliver has rushed his son andthe mother to a safe house whether they liked it or not is beyond me. Everyone watching saw this months ago.

I dont see myself giving up on the show, cause for all the problems i like it, but at this late in the game the reveal as many has said is stupid. Evil Barry vs. Good Barry could have been great scene chewery for that last half of the season. Now with less than 4 left it seems ill planned. Should have been Ronnie

Arby's rocks, just get it without lettuce. Obvious you have no clue how to use a napkin if too much tarter is on the sandwich. Having worked at McD's a long long time ago pretty much 1/4 of a cup came out of that grease gun.

I give props to the show for her NOT having skimpy panties on. Nice to see some non objectification going on.

Yeah Im much more interested in the 2nd disc.

From what Ive been told that Archie is basically that character in the comics as well.

Samantha's "boobies" really came in.

I was surprised Kevin actually had dialogue cause for most of the show the writers didn't let him open him mouth.

Timey Whimey.

It's totally Ronnie, but I can't remember what happened to evil Ronnie or what earth he is from. Killer Frost would be into him, not the other Ronnie, right?

So I guess they couldn't afford to age any of the other cast up, damn that wig must be demand an expensive fee.

I love that they basically snatched that wig of of island Ollie and put it on Emo Barry. They play us so well.

Its 6 tracks, 15 minutes long and only 2 completed songs. It sounds like mostly throw away stuff and strangely on first listen reminds me of Chaos and Disorder.

Its not his house. Its a studio, staging area for tours/soundstage with a small living quarters.

I thought the better secret was that Alice has some nutzo shit going on just like her daughter.

I was expecting a flashback to kid jug weird that it didn't happen.

No one sleeps in jeans, well not in my house at least.

Rip will be back and I like this reboot Rip. What is up with Wentworth? is he coming back or what? cause basically they set him up to die again being a hero. Prison Break is just a one off right, or is it going to be a series?

Its just a tv show.

K only 10 minutes in but Mick isn't an aberrations, right?