
Look how many different coats Im wearing.

Dont get me wrong I love her, but the character who I was rooting for did nothing except bring back Elektra

Its a shame that Weaver is the weak link in this series.

Throw in All Seeing, All Knowing Bran and the Stark kid's come off even more stupid.

I expected the outside light of Jeffries room to go out, like at the Log Lady's.

Much more cool for the audience to see Vis. go against the Night King and start icing wrights.

Can you warg a zombie dragon?

Oh and one more quesiton is the drunk's saliva eating a hole through the concrete floor of his cell?

Im rewatching last nights episode again and first off Go Andy!!! Though I have noticed that Hawk has seemed to lost a lot of his Native American/Twin Peaks knowledge/lore that he possessed in the first season.

All these Starks have to do is talk to Bran, who is now the all seeing eye of Westeros.

"the hammer is my penis"

The Fellowship of Dragons.

We could have at least got a shot of Dickon naked before.

The Arya/Brienne sword fight was 1000 time more satisfing than the last 20 minutes of battle.

Oh okay its been a couple of years.

But Littlefinger didn't rat out Arya to Tywin.

Two different time lines? Did the A bomb explosion create a time rupture?

Diane is confusing me, in one scene she is at the bar in a red blouse drinking a martini and then later she is back in a green blouse from last week's episode drinking a vodka on the rocks when the bar is closed.

He's the new Counselor Troi.

Morgan Fairchild is hardly reconizable on Days of our lives at the moment.