
Yes it was.

Really with Oliver shutting it all down do we get Felicity taking out Aiden for killing her bf, cause I would like to see her go there.

I will watch the fuck out of anything Chelsea does cause shes smart, shes angry, she's hardcore and she's mean. I love that

I would love that Meister showed up tomorrow on Arrow and Oliver just shot him through the heart.

If you are going to do a cross over stop jerking Supergirl around and do a proper 2 hour episode.

WTH is TBBT going to do for 2 more years?

It may be cliche as hell but when the potentials from all over the world felt the power of being a slayer it still hits my gut. That girl bout to hit the baseball, the overwieght girl who stands up from her abusier. Say what you what but if you watched the show from season 1 or 2. that montage just was so hell yeah.

I loved that scene in the library where Oz is wondering if Buffy is listening to his thoughts and goes all cosmic.

Wait for the second season.

I just loved Jughead's fathers house filled with boozes on every shelf, every counter, basically everywhere.

Well In Arrowverse Oliver will wake up last, burn his toast, spill coffee on himself and cut himself shaving. So it works.

I haven't watched it yet but Props to Luke Starkiller reference.

Just a question are these characters already like junior and seniors in HS? Cause that seems like a rather advanced place for a show just 5 episodes in?

I think the writers kinda work around Cavanagh and let him decide what kinda of character he will be season to season.

Grodd still trusted Caitlyn they kinda made that a point.

It would have looked better if they reworked the gladiator battle and maybe smaller scaled it. Though if I was a comic nerd seeing a bunch of gorilla's even poorly done was still a fist pump moment.

Overtime has been better than the show for the last couple of years.

its not PC, its just time.

Shots of strawberry milkshakes help I guess.

Well when the most important scene you have is to thrash bout cause you have a meta virus coursing up your arm and the best you can do is move a leg like you are trying to knock a blanket off the bed says a helluva alot about your acting ability..