
Yea Cisco is stronger than he has let on!!!! Just enjoy the show.

You know its over reach when the inside of Veronica home is under constant fog.

Reggie seemed to be more concerned bout Archie gettin some than Archie.

The actor yes, Archie hell no.

Sorry but this was shit. Twin Peaks wannabe my ass.

Barista Iris. She just also happens to be a reincarnation of…………..

I saw Moz back in college during the Kill Uncle tour and half way through the concert some goth with a bunch of flowers rushed the stage to give to him, of course security got to the kid first and dragged him off stage. Moz always the professional stopped the show in mid song, said he had to leave cause "he feared

The Elephant stampede would have cost a butt load of cash.

I edited, but i did short Barack 2 days.

Well just remember we aren't living in Obama world after January 2017.

Yeah look at how much of the show took place in warehouses and hangers. To do something like this drains a lot of $$$.

Was that a Fantastic Four logo that they were fighting on by the waterfront?

I don't have time to read all the post and Im sure its been answered but why didn't Oliver kill Church? I mean he was all bout killing anyone who figured out he was GA a couple episodes back.

Is he dead?

This makes me incredible happy. Back in the day Spy was amazing. Now I want some Bunny Burgers.

I said this at the end of last season I thought they would spend a couple of episodes on flashpoint, but unless the writers have some trick up their sleeve this seemed really kinda stupid.

When it first aired it has some really interesting programs and news geared toward the youth. but after awhile it became just another basic cable airing reruns of old shows. Please Like Me though was/is an amazing show and can't wait for the new season.

He wasn't wrong bout anything he said.

leaving the baseball. Nuff said.