
Up voted for purple rain reference.

Capt. Dect. Corp. Sgt. Lance is gonna be dead by season's end. You can smell the "You were right, I was wrong" death speech coming a mile away.

The more I think about it Colton did a really smart thing, he now has time to do other projects and then be a guest star on 4 other DC shows getting a semi regular paycheck. Very smart move.

That scar is gonna be hell on her mid riff shirts.

Im thinking all this weirdness is some "Time" stuff. Everything is gonna go to hell unless the original time line is restored. Different Time strands are meshing into each other.

The flashbacks need to be put down, I don't even pay attention to them anymore. As soon as there is a flash I just drift off.

With last nights Flash and tonights Arrow I approve of Ray and his nerdy/geek excitement. Plus the plumbing situation has finally been brought up.

Only one Laurel scene = A+

Thea is gonna need a nice refreshing bath real soon.

So Colton waited to the last episode he's in as a
regular to show his acting chops?, that's one helluva long con.

Man the Beautiful South phoned that one in.

So Barry can do the reverse?

Yeah Barlicity for the win.

I'm getting a Guinan/Tasha kinda of vibe from Cisco where he's basically going to be telling himself that he doesn't belong in this time line.

I really like what they are doing with Ray, at first I was iffy if he could carry a show himself but with each episode I think hes gonna be fine. Totally loved him and Cisco bonding over tech.

I wanted Bee Hive as her name.

Laurel is the worst. Case closed.

and with Iris you know its not the actress its not the character, its the writers who have nothing else to do with her but make her a prop. I love the show but they just basically use her to be a wedge.

How did Wells actually kill Cisco in timeline A? Did he stop the heart? did he pummel lit? How?

If they were true fans they would have accepted long ago that Lucas ruined the prequels.