
Last week's episode with Mike getting upset for the family making fun of hm after they caught him singing in the car, it something totally out of my dad's playbook. It was very real.

I'm going to miss Brad.

Well there goes your chance of having an upcoming cameo.

While I still enjoy the show, Im just waiting to see who is dead by the end.

I always felt that the guy playing Gene was doing just enough creep that I thought something inappropriate was going to happen to Sally.

Well nice to see that he has so much money that he can choose crappy roles just for the helluva it.

Benny Hill yakkity sax?

After Laurel's line i would edit

Zany mom was not needed. They can find better ways of injecting humor.

Yeah I see a maybe not a lot but some rectoning when next season starts due to The Flash.

I'm assuming the nano's are still active and thus will help the injured Atom heal in future episodes.

I agree this wasn't an A episode, but then again Flash is just overshadowing this show so much its becoming disappointing.

Well since Ray is moving on up to this own show, yeah.

Quick question bout the which I may have missed, Why didn't Flash come back and find Reverse Flash when he didn't come back to the future after attacking Barry's mom?

Hell Mark Hamill opened up a whole notion of using star wars actors to come on in and do The Flash episodes.

Whats the other one doing?, the adult version, he could use some work.

Let me hear you holla for a Jake Llyod cameo.

Hamill should have called in a favor to Lucas or 20th century and let the Darth Vader Theme play in the background as He announced his parentage.

God I Love This Show.

I will not plan anything on July 4th until I know what time 1776 is gonna be on TCM. I just can't resist not watching it. "Pins"