
Damn You Barry!!!!

Well maybe now Roy and Ollie can have that heart to heart some fans crave so much.

OMG what if we have a universe where Roy can't or doesn't parkour? Damn you Barry Allen!!

Great week to be the actress that plays Thea, show up for one scene, have no lines and enjoy the craft services.

Pink Eye or X Ray, get it, Vision they could have CGI'd that out.

I really can't get behind the B+ I thought this was one of the worse episodes of the season. While I like Diggle I really didn't much care for the story line.

Ummm shouldn't someone on Team Arrow have gone back to the power plant and made sure that Roy was okay? Cause Im pretty sure they just left him there after being electrocuted.

But there wouldn't be 2 Barrys running at the same time if its a replacement. I could understand if Barry suddenly felt confuse and disoriented when he shifted back, but even in this episode there are 2 running together.

I find Wells interesting cause he really just wants to get back to his own timeline and even though his motives are questionable, like he said last week, you've all been dead for a really long long time.

The writers really need to box Iris until they can figure out what to do with her. I'm sure by now they are aware that they have another Laurel on their hands and understand the need to correct that post haste before the hate swell from the fandom. They need to keep her far away from puppy dog Barry and let the

That's So Electric Company.

God I don't want to get heady with this, but there are 2 time lines now. Even if you go back in time, you are a different Barry so Barry 1 is still in Tsunami city, while Barry 2 is now dealing with The Rogues or thats my naive understanding. I have never read the comics but its going to be really interesting if

Im only half way through but Miller is rocking Capt. Cold. Lovin his speech pattern.

and just wanting to add I don't care how sheltered Patrick is, this is just mind blowing stupid.

From my experience, not that I have personally been in one, seldom is an open relationship 2 sided. It always seems that one pushes the other into accepting it and 7 out of 10 it doesn't work.

Well for the last 2 years I keep waiting for Cameron to jump ship and go full time movie, so at the end of each season I wait for the gut punch.

Well its bout time for Sheila to return and what better way to keep her around by giving her a mentally challenged child fresh out of juvie with a missing mother.

Well hopefully Debs isn't preggers.

Its one thing to fuck with the Gallagher's but ain't no one gonna survive fucking with a Milkovich, not even the alley rats.

I think when everything is sorted out Ian will do very little if any time. The kid has an illness. Hell he may actually get the professional help he needs.