
Unless it was some sort of Lazarus cocktail, NO, no love for Laurel.

Roy was awesome tonight, best episode yet to showcase Colton's acting chops.

Yeah old Merl is gonna be bending over backwards to try to win his daughter back. Next week she gets A NEW CAR.

"I'll do anything you want, just don't take me back to my family!"

Moira cant be bothered to come back for nothing more than a propping episode. She smelled the stink and stayed underground.

Specially Laurel being destined to be the Canary. UGH.

God can you imagine being the Lance that had to sit next to her a family reunion. The kiddie table would be more bearable.

Capt. Det. Lance just signed his death certificate by telling off Laural at the gravesite. That's a classic set up for a forgive as I'm dying speech.

Even Laural couldn't be a good drunk, what a failure of a Lance.

This one really made me miss Tommy.

If you are going to have an extra play a bartender then give him some lines, cause bartenders talk to their customers. Cmon producers you can spare some coin.

Yeah well tell that to the last guy Suge was keeping in his blind spot.

Is the Po po also looking for butter churns, hats, lanterns and non electric beard trimmers.

That would have been a line of beauty, bet you it will get used in the future. Its too meta to pass up.

Demons hate the Summer, just as they do Halloween. I hear the hellmouth have great vacation packages.

My only problem with Iris is Barry constantly puppy love over her. Im hoping she goes her own way and doesn't start getting jealous of Barry's new girlfriends. It's not the character or the actress its the writers.

March 17th?!?!?!?!?!

Its not the acting that's bad, its the writing cause almost every week Cameron puts in a Emmy worthy performance.

Winter's doesn't even sound like she wants to come back.

Cameron did a great job with what little he had and hopefully he will never be seen on this show again. Shameless needs him.