
Why do satanic cults go around and brand their logo onto murder weapons?

It was total Jack. Even down to the way the cheeks curled.

Im going to have to watch it again, but it seemed to me that Cam's look changed through out the show. Like different make up and hair was used to show his spiral.

Cam seems smart enough to stay with a show that is just amazing instead of jumping ship to a show that I really don't see getting a 3rd season, cause cmon Gotham sucks. Though I dont see a reason for a "who will become the joker" being on Gotham as nothing more than special guest.

I guess being in love makes you want to shower, cause he's cleaning up nicely.

The writers really need to give us some info on the Kev and V story line. Is she postpartum? is she just jealous? is she just horny? 5 episodes in we need to see some movement.

Noel is becoming the heart of this show. Tonight he was just amazing.

Its almost bizarre how shows are clicking with each other with actors. Im just hoping that Cameron is doing a one off episode,cause I would hate to lose him from this show to that trash.

This may be the best show in all of 2015, but the way NBC has promo'd this I have no desire to tune in. It looks dreadful, hell even granny wanted to hit the brat.

Can I buy you a drink?

On the plus side Colton seemed to actually be aware that he was on a tv series tonight and suppose to do something.

It will be his last words after the fatal heart attack, something along…"Its up to you to save the city…Ol…iv…er………………"

Which show how amazing the actress was, who took so little and made it so much that she has a legion of fans.

Yo Mamma is so street vigilante she…………..

Yeah that "Light BS" Felicity was yammering bout just to prop Laurel.ugh. This whole episode was bout propping Laural.

So by the season finale everyone is going to be a street vigilante?

THE Flash.

Needs more Flash.

Well say what you want bout Dj Boy, but he had his priorities straight.

Got to love the idea that while under vertigo who ever is beating the shit out waits and answers your question instead of breaking your neck.