
I loathed this episode more than Madonna loathes hydrangeas.

Man its nice to get a Amell boy without the scars and tats. YUM

I honestly think the show just isnt going to make it. The damage is done and even though last night was a return to season 1 form. Its just too late which makes me sad.

Maybe I'm wrong but I thought everything in the room was holographic imagery not just Jefferson. I don't recall Ichabod or Abby touching anything, just Jefferson.

Was that scene between Riddler and Penguin suppose to represent something or just "hey lets throw these two together for no other reason that fandom circle jerk? Cause it seems way to premature for those 2 to be introduced to each other.

If this shit and Sleepy Hollow doesn't improve looks like I have Monday nights back for other entertainment options.

I thought for sure Ian was going to start slitting his wrist when he went to take a shower.


Of course hes dead, this way Laural has another reason to whine bout bring the BC.

And next week we get the joy of watching Ollie and Laurel going on and on bout her being the Canary..SMH

When the town mob and the henchmen started running at each other it turned into a really bad Buffy's graduation day episode.

Well someone has to be the moral compass of the show and unfortunately only Felicity is that character at the moment.

Roy's will have one with werewolves.

He's trapped in his one room mansion.

Oh I keep forgetting Diggle is back with his ex wife.

Yet cant tell they switched out his daughters.

The "student takes out the master" anvil was rather obvious.

..and shes cool with peeking at her boo peeps.

So from the promo photos of an upcoming wedding, shes not going to marry Palmer is she?

Of course Cyn would be the one to be like "That's not Sara", you soon to be dead of a heart attack pill popping Capt. Dec. Officer Lance.