
The way the flashbacks are going everyone is gonna be getting them by next season.

That padding below the belt makes no sense. It's too high up to protect his lil atoms.

and Cisco's backside fills out those jeans nicely. Hell his lower torso thicker than I expected.

Holding your drunk female friend's hair as she throws up is instant Friend Zoned!

I've never had a problem with Cisco, but I'm REALLY starting to like Cisco.

Does anyone really believe Moloch is down and out for the count? I don't.

Katrina and her old coven, which was very hyped up in the first season, seemed to have their own agenda which was kinda repeated tonight in the Salem flashback. I think/hope that the writers return to that and run with it.

I don't think they want the writers want to turn Katrina into a bitch, I think that they have dropped enough hints that she is gonna have her own agenda which I don't think is gonna be straight up evil just a different path.

Easily the best episode of the season. The plot had that old time history lesson feel. Katrina is finally going going dark Willow. Abby and Ichabod seem to be on the mend. Irving while doing Henry's bidding can always be reconned when his pact is ended.

and before I go to bed we are all in agreement that Ian is taking those pills he found in the luggage right?

While I enjoy the pieces being moved around overall Im having a negative reaction to the Kev and V story line. The PPD would have worked better if it wasn't being paralleled with Ian's. Throw in the notion that Fiona is a bit off also is bit too much mental issues for me.

Fiona is always her worse problem. She wouldn't take shit from an abuser in a heartbeat.

Carl is going to be the interesting one, cause as the series has progressed he been the one that has most changed. He's either going to end up as mayor of Chicago or a mobster….oh wait.

Let me be shallow, more Team Jacob. Yum.

Hey it was either google or making another vodka based beverage. I made the right call.

Yeah Im speaking of the footage than in the dark alleyway. How could you not notice that chin.

There is no way the same height and even if they were close their body shape is totally different. As EL stated there is no way in hell Capt. Det. Lance could not tell a difference in old BC and this BSC.

Well the one thing that Smallville did right was turning whatsherface into the Watchtower.

Well if we learned anything from tuesday's episode, Barry is still pretty stupid when it come to catching villains.

yeah you'd think someone would call "The Flash"!!