
But what did she do differently? The courtroom scene was the same old Laurel, the Arrow cave scene was the same. Showing her ass in leather pants before she swiped a metal pole across a thugs face and flipped that WAY to yellow wig for 5 seconds doesn't make for a rebirth of character.

Well honestly she IS the backbone of the operation. Her tech/computer skills have proven that time and time again. Roy and Diggle would just be lucky to find a crime scene while patrolling at night.

Genification seems to be a bit of a theme this season.

…and just what type of relationship do they have?

Yeah one would think they would have an intruder alert.

If she can pull it off then aces for her, but I honestly think the show has wasted too much of the fans time for the majority of them to come around to her character no matter how much shes trained and bulked up. The actress who played Sara just walked right into the black canary role and owned it.

I love that as Felicity left she turned off the lights leaving Roy and Diggle in the dark. Nice touch.

What made the Roy and the tube scene great was his jump up and then onto the top of the tube.

Why would Brick want to take over the Glades? Isn't that part of the town still destroyed?

I was afraid they were going to go the same Buffy is different now that she's back from heaven route with Ollie, but since he wasn't really dead yet we can skip that nonsense.

The constant swipe to black to end a scene was a bit over the top tonight

I do like what they have done with Thea this season, she's going to be interesting when she goes Rouge from Daddy.

Is the lantern named Ianto?

Well I guess with the mask we don't have to worry bout Laurel's lack of facial movement anymore.

Why didn't Brick break out into song and dance like hes does on ABC's Sunday night?

I take it that the Lazarus pit ISNT a person?

Which brings up an interesting point what is Harrison's real plot? I know nothing of the comics, but it seems to be that Harrison has more going on than being a rival or enemy to Flash. He seems to be prepping Barry for a bigger challenge than himself. I mean he used the word "partner".

Cause it wouldn't have been more fun and the cops only had protection from the ice, not the fire.

Im fine with Iris as long as she's not being used as a device to continue the puppy love Barry. I like the actress and hope they can do more with her and Eddie's relationship.

This has to be the funniest show lot to work on, cause everyone, even the guest stars, seem to be having a blast on this show.