
Yes don't crate up the priceless painting you just spent millions of dollars on just treat it like a polaroid.

The man hopefully will walk around in a loin cloth for most of the episode.

There will be a lot of hate cause this episode puts Ichabod and Katrina in good standings which is gonna piss off the Abby/Ichabod shippers.

I think the character and the actress have a lot potential, but the writers seem to want to back burn her till the planned big reveal they have down the line. Im still hoping for darkness from her.

Decent episode and I, yes I like Katrina, enjoyed the evolution of her character. The Irving plot which my be a slog is either going to be a cop out or the return of Henry and or Moloch, no I don't think it's gone from the show.
I take it that Addams is in more than one episode and would love to see her cross over to

…and why the hell wasn't he shirtless having just come from the shower??

"See its all perfectly natural."

Better yet he did the best FU cancer you can do. Just enjoying the last days at home and not hooked up to a morphine drip in a hospital out of your mind.

Don Harron "Salute!"

Oh Hell No. Hee-Haw was country on LSD. Literally half the crew and actors were high as kites while filming this show.

Not that Im complaining cause I love every credit song, but it never has meshed up with it being 2014/15. The PSB getting a last year release, while greatly appreciated, seemed kinda out of place.

But its not a community its a bunch of lego construction condos and retail stores just to keep the yuppies happy before they breed and move to the suburbs leaving the area back to ruin.

The father however will always be that asshit comedian on Mad Men no matter what else hes does.

So glad the Donor's Mother had no more fucks to give.

Svetlana is pretty much living a communal lifestyle to survive so hell feeding another baby is better than giving another hand job.

It broke my heart and the neighborhood's watching every mom and pop story closing down one after the other as another Starbuck's going up on another corner. I said fuck it and moved to Uptown, which is now starting to turn also. SMH.

Its only episode 2 the ground work for the season is just being laid, give it time.

Having watched Chicago's boystown/Lakeview go from gay ghetto 90's to Lincoln Park Jr. '04 I'm rooting for Frank this season.

Kevin Hart would make a great pocket gay if he was mute.

So basically the hotel is made from the wood that holds many spirits? cause then anything is possible. The whole town is wood.