
Hush, I'm on a Crossover high!!

I have to hand it to Stephen. Watching the first episodes I was like well Hes hot as hell with an awesome body but his acting is a bit wooden. But its become obvious that this is how he chose to play the character and each season hes slowly stripping away the stoic nature and giving us a look at the real Oliver.

I think the crossover showed really in a long time how F'd up Oliver Queen really is.

Colton I think has just given up and just goes with the "Im hellla confused with whats going on around me" acting method.

Grant is so damn infectious that he makes everyone hes with have a half ass grin on his face. Flarrow forever!!! It was such a fun show I won't even mention that other character.

Its gonna be fun to hate watch this show. Walken looks like hes on his deathbed and cant be bothered to show emotion that alone is worth tuning in.

I love how Grant says "The Flash" and the end of the opening monologue.

I think the Isis/Barry is done, it was done a couple episodes ago, but the crossover was just to put the Oliver/Felicity mix into the show. It was just to make people who are arrow fans understand the same dynamics.

Honestly I think too many people are giving Cisco and Iris alot of grief for a season 1. Laurel wasn't horrible in the first season of Arrow. Season 2 she just went to shit. I don't think either Iris or Cisco is even close to circling the shit hole that Laurel went down.

Oh I forgot this was Whore Oliver time.

Isnt this child a little young for hot chocolate?

Aww tomorrow are we getting little baby arrow?

I love the fact that the writers are graying Barry enough that hes more than happy to plant seeds of doubt in the Iris/Eddie relationship. The scene outside of the captain's office was well played especially with Joe in the background knowing exactly what Barry was up to.

Im only half way through, but if this continues as good as it is. the DC movies can go fuck themselves.

Loved Cisco's Yoda.

They keep playing the Katrina/Abby smack down but it just has a bad Dynasty feel if it happens. So hopefully it wont.

Katrina still has potential she still mostly unexplored. Henry is just a crybaby, You're immortal get over your parent issues.

The character of Katrina got derailed cause of her love for her child Henry.

I know everyone loves the actor, but Henry is ruining this show.

Star Wars VIII: Yawns and Stretch And Tries To Come To Life.