
So so so tired of Tatooine.

I wanna see the Woolly Mammoth at the zoo.

I'm still hoping that Katrina is gonna go all Dark Willow at some point and make her character interesting.

While I still love the show, it works so much better on the crazy 12 episode roller coaster ride that was the first season.

I'm really glad the writers are giving us the Dixon family legacy.

MIA Laurel is the best Laurel.

Plus the special effects department are really surprising me. Flash looked amazing crashing through those doors.

Iris isnt Laurel, Iris has potential.

Grant is having such a ball playing this role that its infectious. This show just leaves a stupid smile on my face every time. It's just so damn fun.

Watching Mooney's arm switch positions with each edit during her talk with the Penguin was the best part of this whole episode.

This show sure loves to kill janitors.

Ugh I knew right when Selina headed towards the kitchen milk was on the menu. Watch out for the Anvils. SMH,

I forget whats going on cause of that poor spinning cheerleader. What's her story? Why is she so tight in her spin? Did her mom push her? Was her dad a former high school jock that protected her too much? Did her first boyfriend tell her she could never make Varsity squad?

She can't even drive. I know Way Harsh.

I can't wait for the montage of Laurel making her own cat…oops I mean canary leather suit.

Shots every time Oliver says "Beat to Death" or some variation.

I call it now, lil Asian son is gonna DIE cause of Oliver.

Ugh Laurel.

Soon to be dead Dad.