
They could have at least got her a different wig and what up with the leather jacket that buckles across her legs? Is that suppose to be sexy?

The nightstick is just unintentionally hilarious.

Where's my vodka?


He's just looking for the missing file in the empty folder. So no speed reading yet.

Were only 5 episodes in the first season. Give them some time.

Well Barry was bout 7 or 8 when he got moved into Joe's house so I don' think its that creepy.

Hey this isn't porn…. wait

Clancy needs to get his ass back to Sleepy Hollow stat.

Tornado arms???

At least give us red briefs with the flash icon on the backside.

Well the writers seem to have realized that they don't want another Laurel on their hands.

The chemistry between the actors was off the chart tonight. Everyone just seems to be having a good time doing this show especially Grant. That scene of him as the flash just swinging his feet back and forth on the balcony above Iris was just stupid grin worthy. This is becoming the show I look forward too every

This is the story of 2 sisters Jessica Tate and Mary Campbell…..

I really enjoyed this season that just ended, cause it just seemed like a nice casual season with no real major tragedy. Just something to sit back with a glass of wine and relax.

I was hoping that during her speech bout doubt and moving on the clothes would change, it would have been a nice ship move.

Aww man they killed cute lil nerd guy!!! I liked cute lil nerd guy.

Cause you deserve a brain today.

Back to Sleepy Hollow Zombie Andy!!!!

implied? both set of shoes ended up pointing the same way