
What you think that issue is wrapped up? Cmon what show you watchin?

C- What are you thinking, there was gay bathroom stall sex!!!

I think a lot of this episode was a huge waste. Here you have a bunch of nerds who didn't go and enjoy prom and instead of getting a nice little moment of being there, we get silly limo ride fights and bad picture motifs.

Maybe cause I grew up in a small midwest town, but everyone went to Prom with or without dates and it wasn't looked down on or weird to go stag or with your friends. Hell it was much more fun spending time with my friends than it was having to entertain a "date".

Boredom, Annoyance.Death.

Followed by Daddy Lance grabbing his chest, gasping for breath only to be on his way to be visiting his dead daughter.

Plus you got to love how Brother Eye uses the old fashion way to communicate its dire warning, through tv window displays.

What were the locals going to do once they broke into the bank anyway? Fill out withdrawal slips and wait in line? Plus that had to be the smallest riot in tv history.

I think this show runs a huge risk anytime they try to give Colton a reason to emote.

Anyone have a clue why The Queen kids are watching Possessed staring Joan Crawford and Clark Gable?

Lord I wish Laurel was boozin again.

Change a word, claim a third. She co writes bout as much as Beyonce does.

the lowest scent of hippie trash.

"All of this turmoil overshadowed the fact that as a musician and songwriter" HA!

I'm starting to agree with you, I think the real issue is Noble, who obviously is loved by the writers and the viewers but having him be the child in need of his parents love and redemption is starting to weigh the show down. Hopefully they got some crazy shit planned and if they do they need to get to it quickly.

No gay sex, disappointed….again.

Honestly when I first saw the character I thought it was the guy who played the pilot in Wings. Took me bout 5 minutes to figure out it was BBT.


Well Nyssa did ask where the body was, so Sara could be going for a trip.

More like Botox Laurel!