
I thought the Percy movies got canned.

Last scene Jason opens the door to see a whole basket full of kittens "Shit."

So obviously Sookie is going to use the last Spencer Gifts Ball of fae plasma to kill the Yazauki's sp? whatever, to save Beel making her fully human. Meh

Well you do know that Archie took a bullet for his gay friend and is now 6 feet under.

There will be Bill drama for 15 minutes with everyone waiting for him to die then when hes reborn the audience will be treated to a lovely 45 minute musical montage. Cant Wait.

Eric explodes down Jason's throat. wait that's the Sean Cody scene.

Cause you know with Bill dying all the other vamps wont be captured by Sookies fairy vagina. Please make sense True Blood.

Uh Uh Uh and they must drive jaguar's and say it like Ben Kinglsey does.

True sick Eric took out like what 5 of them in 15 seconds untill well Pam got captured. Does that girl have a limp?

Dubya is the poster child why a rich white boy shouldn't quit coke and booze and find god.

I'm sure hes not moving to the Southside. Maybe around Halsted and Belmont.

The last episode should be titled Asleep.

One would think that it would be more difficult to get silver chains than going to the local walmart.

Jason would fit right in with SC.

Cause wanting children is something to base a life time of happiness on with a total stranger you met 3 days ago.

Did Ginger really have sex with Eric?

I was bored before I even began. This whole Jessica/Hoyt/Jason/Brigette thing is just so god awful. Granted I have half n hour to go, but I don't see them turning this around.

Sexy lil Godric is the best. I ship him and jason more than jason and eric.

I didn't mind the witch season till they had to give Marnie redemption after she died. There was no reason for that. Best season was 2 hands down.

I find it interesting that while going through the picture album they didn't show any jason/hoyt pics. You know you expected it.