
My only hope for this show is that Hoyt is playing everyone.

He better have an assistant named Diane.

Seriously though how are the writers going to get Bill cured? I honestly don't think they are going to kill him though I have no problem with it. Seems Newie and her Neblood is gonna take weeks if not months to hit the market.Bill doesn't seem to have 3 days tops to go.

Ill show the boy what a strap on is for.

Finally where is my Godric?!

I'm hoping Hoyt remembers everything and is testing Jason's loyalty.

Not only did Sookie Change into a White dress, she also got her weaves put in.

So the Fae/Vamp baby will save Bill?

Is anyone suppose to care bout the two crazy teenagers?

With Robyn its more like find the ordinary lyric. Now I got to run off and listen to My wife and my dead wife.

He's the only reason to watch Da Vinci's Demons. I wonder If he is gonna be able to do both?

I dont know bout that. I get the feeling they are setting up Liam and Mason to be the back up Scott/Stiles that can take over whenever the leads decide to bail.

Jessica needs to understand what "fucking layefette" actually means.

Not only has he lasted longer, hes still kickin ass.

Mine was muted. :-(

I would be kinds upset if toothy monster is really dead, that guy was FINE.

Totally agree, I had like 3 comments but by this morning I cant recall any of them. But that's TW its just fluff.

Pam smelt it and dealt it to Eric. Tara is dead. Ghost Tara thats another issue.

I think this season the writers are all "lets show how meaningless life is by killing off characters randomly for no reason or purpose". Just look at us writing bout how you can get killed on your way to work viewers.

I do kinda have to give a nod to the whole Alice/Cheshire cat convo between Sookie and Bill.