
I thought the "scratching from the inside always trying to get out" convo between Eve and Chandler pretty much confirmed the wolf.

Well it seems to me that if you are going with a demon possession theme then said demon would want its host to be as healthy as possible. It wouldn't put Vanessa in an asylum.

Loved the episode, but I'm more confused bout Vanessa than before.

Fox Sucks!!!

Well there goes your chance of ever getting on Mad Men.

It was great to give Morse a shout out, but honestly it didn't really work in the story.

Really? so sad.

Lets see, why is Ted so disillusioned bout it all? Why is Peggy getting Asbestos ceiling tiles installed? N why does AMC enjoy screwing over the fans so much?

Does Bert have a sister?

3rd fuck

The half smile and laugh Ken gave to Harry when they were turned away at the partners meeting was hilarious/

Pete better get that divorce from Trudy quickly.

I keep waiting for someone to correct the name as FrankenSTEEN.

They love to puke blood on this show, don't they?

The issue I have is that spoilers are going to come out and be everywhere. In a couple of weeks this show is done and everyone, stars, crew, etc are moving on to other jobs and AMC cant control them from saying random shit that fans will start piecing together.

We she was more than happy to go along with the illusion that they are dating when he introduces her to the Chevy Executives at the office. I also don't think he was asking her to move he said that she could do whatever she wanted.

You don't have to be a newbie to see that at least 4 or maybe 5 characters are going to be dead by the season end.

When I first watched it I thought he was actually coming out of Proteus which I think was the directors desire.

Nice call on the "Lady bits".

I kinda think he looked like rock star Lestat if that Queen of the Damned movie was done even half way right.