
I guess that's some sexual healing going on there.

But did anyone else notice that she seemed pretty non coughy after the hook up?

This was the first thing I've seen Alex Price in and and he was just so wonderful and expressive with his eyes. Gonna miss the lil guy.

To me she sounds a lot like Wendy & Lisa when they went solo from Prince.


Raj being gay has been the longest trope this show has ever one, its more than fat mom God even his parents were waiting for him to come out. Raj actually being gay would have been refreshing with how this show works, but they just keep with the tired old….oh wait I keep forgetting this is the same lame ass that

Fine but they keep toying the audience with Raj maybe gaybe. Its as tired as fat mom.

Having finished the episode this anti climatic engagement is probably a set up for a season finale break up. The proposal scene tried to played out like a Ross/Rachael event, but this just fell flat. Lord not even the live audience was amped bout it.

Raj and Howard having a 3 way? Either make him gay or drop the innuendos.

I saw Brooks on some tv show talking bout star trek some years back and he's high constantly or batshit crazy.

I love Brooke in this role, I hope she will be recurring.

God I envy how mindless your job is.

Is he at least this season's Big Bad?

Dan Byrd looks huggable in a suit.

Where's Bob??

The most fake food eating I've ever seen on a tv show.

The pod didnt fall, it was programmed by r2 who knew of obi wan, luke and the DS plans. He knew where to go it just took him time to get there.

Well remember in ANH the empire has had 20 years to strip many planets of its resources and people. That's why everything looks so banged up and used. The Empire is taking everything and leaving their subjects destitute. So NASCAR got cancelled.

When they buried Padme they made sure she still looked preggie.

It took me forever to get that free mode completed. Finally I had to change the settings to 400 x 600. Then it was a breeze.