
Carl has been drinking through out this season, so having a drink out of the bottle is no big deal imo.

I'm gonna call every Frank hater/lover out. What do you expect from this character? This character doesn't care for family, himself, health, or redemption. He's Frank. This show has always been bout shit happening, there is no reward no matter what story line is in play. The show is bout a bunch of fuck ups

Not trying to toot my horn, I never thought Jimmy was dead, The whole "didnt have time to film" seemed odd.

N before I watch Cosmos and go to sleep, Mickey in the bar scene was amazing. His WTF confused worried expression was top shelf. More Noel please.

I really never had a problem with Jimmy himself; just didn't care for the drug lord daughter story line that the writers shoved him into. Though at this point in Shameless I don't really see where they are going with his return,

They really should have just got the actress that plays "crazy eyes" to do a cameo.

That had to be filmed like very recently. Lake Michigan hasn't been frozen like that till this winter. Unless they GCId the fuck out of it.

Ian's bi polar crash was really a let down from the build up. Thankfully Ian didn't kill himself.

So Jimmy works for the Dollhouse?

Squire by day whore by night, a guy's gotta eat.

Who isnt one of Littlefingers???!!! Seriously though I thought it was the same guy that seduced Loras. Or the gays only have things for the Blondes is Westboro.

So there is only one gay prostitute in all of King's Landing??

Viva La Revolution…oh wait Games of Thrones starts tomorrow.

Wouldn't Sheldon haven't already built his own gaming computer system?

Frank got arrested. The other dude that thew the chair was the one that called Mickey gay as they walked past after the Mickey was released.

I really really really wanted the jail clothes to be Orange. Yeah Yeah, who needs Laura Prepon in season 2 of OITNB.

I have to admit this show takes some good turns which you dont see coming. I thought for sure Lip was out of school and back home by seasons end, but it seems hes not got enough cash to float the Gallagher house for a while and got the SS woman off their back.

Yeah my heart has warmed to the dirtiest white boy in the southside.

I think Mickey through Ian has seen enough of the gay community to see that its not something to while not embrace, but understanding its not just a bunch of fags. He's processed enough to accept himself and what gay can actually be. Its been a slow burn and maybe underplayed but Noel nailed it when Ian pushed him

It will be interesting to see what they do with Frank next season. I don't know if the character should be redeemed, cause he's Frank and his assholery is what makes him a love to hate character. Maybe next season he runs a child prostitution ring using his new kids out of Sheila's home.