
Well we can hope that maybe the MP's show up and arrest him for AWOL.

Oh how soon we forget Marshall from United States of Tara. Fucker burned a shed down over T's bullshit.

They have done a great job of fleshing out Debs and Carl this year. I knew the actress had it in her, but the kid playing Carl has surprised me.

Depending on the episodes he is either on drugs or bi polar. The writers have kept it free to interrupt though from what I've read they are going with bi polar. The problem is we haven't seen Ian on the downside yet.

Well we really don't know how delusional Frank was during all of this. What was real and what was not. There is plenty of wiggle room.

Please forgive, I know it doesn't matter but I accidentally downed you. :-(

Mickey telling his dad how Ian was giving it to him hard and fast while humping the cop car was hilarious.

I haven't figured out how the show is writing Svetlana. She hasn't seemed to give a rats ass bout Mickey until she saw that he was falling for Ian then shes this blackmailing spurned woman. I don't get what she was trying to do, besides get some money.

I have a bad feeling bout whats going to happen to Ian Gallagher. Cameron's career seems to be on the upswing and he's landing movie gigs left and right. Doesn't bode well.

Maybe the other FOX got scared bout a show that would draw veterans to a show that would address their REAL issues.


Did Fox even bother to promo this show? If i hadn't read Alan's review on Hitfix, when it started, I would have never known this show existed.

"Butter Shot"!


The way the producers killed off Jadzia Dax was especially brutal. It was like a real fuck you to the actress.

You can add Ian Gallagher to this list come Sunday night.

Darrin has a nice lil tush, he needs to be running away from the camera more often.

Barb moved back to Chicago and met the Gallaghers.

End Scene: Robin walks ups to Ted's house holding the locket while Lily/Marshal looks on approvingly, Fuck you kids your mother is dead, now get out of my house so I can fuck your aunt robin. VO of course

I could very well see Cameron leaving the show, I mean the dude just completed a movie with Meryl Streep. So his career seems to be on the upswing. Though I would hate to lose Ian. Anyone know if hes been signed for season 5?