
It's 365 where I live.

Yeah, I have to say... I was also an adult in 2001, though a 19 year old not 29.  This wasn’t OK back then.  

“I should have known better.”

“I should have known better.”

Obviously this is really inappropriate and he shouldn’t have done it, but saying you’ve “always been more enthusiastic about costumes than is sometimes appropriate” is hilarious.

While Scheer is absolutely the devil, Trudeau needs to do better than this and really own up to his mistakes, especially considering his wokewashing.

Jonah Hill Is Getting Married Before You

Have...have you been under a rock with the rest of the creepy crawlies for the past 20 years?

I would have ghosted on anyone who married into the Kushner family, as well, so for the first time in my life I guess I’m Team Taylor on this one.

“We knowingly and voluntarily chose to have a marriage-like ceremony, fully aware that it was not legally binding.” Weird flex!

So good luck, Gwyneth.

It would be great if they actually were “using their business mediums"-  if each had a psychic on staff to divine some revenge upon the other. 

Thanks. I was always someone who played up masculinity for laughs (in very obvious, non-harassing ways) while openly embracing my less stereotypically masculime hobbies (well, attempts; I still can’t crochet). But pink? Not my thing.

Oh, your poor little guy! There was a survey in the UK a few years ago that showed that half of all kids downplayed a talent and a quarter of all kids have stopped an activity they used to enjoy because of bullying. I could just punch the adults who teach their children to mock other kids because they enjoy something

Now playing

Gene Kelly was the best. Here he is with his first on-screen dance partner, Judy Garland, in For Me and My Gal (1941)

Ms. Fishbein, I join you in the Gene Kelly crushery. Even though I’m not a dancer I can one thousand percent appreciate his movement, his choreography, his generosity in dance. (He could’ve ‘hoarded’ all the great routines from Singin’ in the Rain to himself, but he knew that that Donald O’Connor would be a better fit

Oh, this warms my heart on a Monday morning and also provides the opportunity to be pissed all over again, as we should be. Seriously, Gene Kelly was working to remove the stigma around male dancers in 1958? And now it’s 2019?? and some (allegedly) educated and no doubt highly paid TV announcer makes a stupid-NOT

My son, also 6, loves to dance. He loves to do cartwheels, sommersaults, and swing. He was in an acrobatics-dance class at age 4 that he than asked to repeat at age 5 because he liked it so much.

And how many fake police reports filed by the CPD have been investigated?

This Amazon sushi’s still safe, though, right?