
probably just that they could pay the models a lot less for their time than the actors.

My mom was a hand model! They used her hand completely unattributed in this movie poster, which she didn’t realize until she saw it around the city. She made a huge stink and got a big settlement and used that to see her first therapist. I like the story.

I’ve been waiting 20 years for an answer to this question: why is this movie so good?

It just shouldnt be allowed and no story is so important that you HAVE to film that scene.

The character was actually I think 4 or 5 in the book. It was supposed to be part of her curse that she in no way looked old enough for adult things despite her mind maturing. But they could definitely have had a stunt adult for Dunst for that scene

Yeah, when a friend directed a movie that had a scene where a goldfish flopped out of a tank, they had to have a PETA rep on set all day to make sure the fish was safe. I would very much like to know what protections are in place for a scene in which an adult kisses a child.

To the best of my knowledge, in the quarter-century since the film’s release, Pitt has yet to be subjected to a similar question. [People]

More old news: Miley smoked and sang about drugs, got fired from Hotel Transylvania for licking a penis cake, with a bit of new intel, she did not cheat on Liam

I'm glad Kirsten Dunst is standing by her previous comments about that kiss. She and I are the same age and I remember all the outrage over her comment at the time. She was right, it was gross.

Warren has pulled ahead in national polls now, sweeping past Bernie Sanders. She is now in second. Go Liz Go!

“Everything’s good, I love the guy. He’s the best thing that ever happened to this country.”

No one has ever accused Jill Sobule of sexual harassment.


“i kissed a girl, she disliked it” probably wouldn’t have been as big a hit

The girl who played Tara? That's my only takeaway.

Sounds like he had more faith in the justice system than I do.

No, it’s not that crazy of an idea, but it’s much more straightforward that he simply couldn’t stand the thought of being a convicted child rapist in gen pop for the rest of his life.

I hate the Goop shit with a burning passion; no Gwyenth, I don’t want to put an infinity stone in my vagina, that’s stupid. But this actually makes me kinda laugh a little at her in a good way. I think she just shows up to the set, does her job, cashes her check, and doesn’t give two shits about the movies. So her not