I was ready to extend my hand in friendship, and I was really happy and fortunate that she extended a hand back
I was ready to extend my hand in friendship, and I was really happy and fortunate that she extended a hand back
So he should just get away with his bad behavior? NO.
Neil deGrasse Tyson will never face real backlash for this because he explains to 28-year-olds that snowflakes are six-sided, a fact that they should have remembered from kindergarten, and they will follow him until the end of time for this priceless tweeted wisdom.
I love skincare, but I think it’s time for more of us to admit that most of this shit is a matter of something even more out of our control than finances or diet: genetics. Fucking genetics.
This really doesn’t sound any better than the fake ending on Wikipedia. Not sure I want to see Brad and Leo murder some teenaged girls.
I misread the last bit about Orlando Bloom as, “Bloom got a bonobo, but he is just fine!" and was saddened when I realized my error.
I take issue with the fact that GP makes gobs of cash off of exploiting other women’s body insecurities. She wants to seem like she’s one of us only to make her audience more comfortable parting ways with their money. She can go suck a jade egg.
She is just a theater nerd, who made it.
Wearing white is awful. You put on a clean beautiful white dress, next thing ya know some giant ape is grabbing you!
Why should we hate Anne Hathaway again?? She is openly talking about infertility issues, which is still kind of a taboo to talk about, because it’s all woman’s fault.
I already know what it’s like to live in a world where only men are in control and they would rather live in the woods than do basic housekeeping. It’s called the reality of the last several hundred years.
Wait... can we talk about how the name is from Lolita (“light of my life, fire of my loins”) which is a NOT OKAY thing for a dad to say about his daughter?
What if The Road but girl?
While the film and the allegations may have nothing to do with each other directly, I’m sure the misogyny that caused his *alleged* behaviour informs what this film is like, given that gender, specifically the absence of women, is the key plot device here. Just stating that obvious point for the trolls.
This article probably did more for Steve Bullock’s name recognition in the primary than any other single media spot.
And is clearly run by trash people.
I think if this had happened to me when I was in my teens or early twenties, I would have cried, if it had happened while I was recovering from my eating disorder, I would have relapsed, now, I would say Forever 21 can take their poorly made clothes, fuck off, and die.
Oh right. It was a woman he saved from the fire. And a freezing dog. And apparently a bunch of other things.
I mean, people are more multi faceted and complicated that they are portrayed on social media. Maybe Booker is an amazing person. And maybe she feels really guilty for endorsing Jill Stein. Who knows?