
I think the victims would probably like to see their stories matter.

Wilson from “Castaway” is a mean drunk.

Robin Thicke hit his other child that he had with his first wife.

Don't blame Canada, blame Toronto like the rest of us do.

I think about the time I posted the Margaret Atwood quote here and got flamed for days from men who thought it of vital importance that I recognize that it is #NotAllMen. They cited examples of all the times they got rejected and didn’t attack anyone (of course they didn’t get rejected very often because they were

It’s definitely not the passengers’ responsibility to wake people, but the people who work on the plane should maybe make sure everyone gets off it at the end of the ride.

Okay I've read this book, and I would not have opened the doors because the Langoliers will get you.

This is the kind of fuck up that you give someone a free flight or a huge discount on the one they just had. I just assumed that the flight crew just walked the aircraft end to end after everyone disembarked. This seems like a pretty standard kind of practice.

It’s like he’s admitting reality has a liberal bias...

I’ve been on Ravelry for ten years. Their discussion boards are huge. The boards on the main page are yarn-related, but that’s maybe only half the content. They have huge groups about pretty much any topic imaginable. (I haven’t been to the boards in a while, but I used to be in groups for favorite novels, Stacey

I couldn’t be more proud to be a member of ravelry, so I made this.

I can’t say I was expecting this, but good on Ravelry! Seriously, though, who goes on crafting forums to talk about politics? 

Man, these guys really won’t defend anything.

unless Joel Osteen is being dangled, unwilling and terrified, from a tightrope, I don’t need him involved. I don’t need him involved in anything, frankly.

Yesterday over drinks we were talking about famous people with punchable faces. For the life of me I couldn’t remember this particular persons name so I went with ‘the preacher (con artist) with the shit-eating melted wax Cumberbatch face’ everyone knew who I meant though we all forgot his name. Joel Osteen, Joel

I love good old-fashioned Jesus propaganda... reminds me that you can make a lot of money preaching about eschewing worldly goods

When you’ve been able to buy solutions your whole life, the concept that others can’t do the same is simply alien.

that’s... not really what the israel-palestine conflict is about.

But he did so well fixing the opioid crisis!

Number 2....I see what you did there.