
But at the same time “even so, stop lambasting people for their dietary choices” if they can do that to us who choose to eat meat we can do the same to them.

“Is that a no or a maybe?” he then asked. “We’ll see,” she said.

A friend of mine has Alpha-Gal Syndrome (a SEVERE red meat allergy from tick bites, which is becoming more popular) and this would have had her hospitalized, if not worse.

I know people think they’re cute and funny, commenting about indignant vegans (even so, stop lambasting people for their dietary choices), but ANY

I’ve been at events where people tweet their questions using a specific hashtag created for the event. Someone (usually not the moderator) filters them and passes them along. It works like a charm.

Has anyone seen Jezebel’s absolutely GOLDEN new header?

I have to agree she was great in the Hunger Games and great in Winters Bone. She really needs to go the Reese Witherspoon route and produce her own movies. 

Amy Adams should not be on this list and she should have won an Oscar for Enchanted!

It’s like a 70's couch is telling me to deal with it.

Your ranking of Chrises is bad and you should feel bad.

So if I understand correctly, this post is about an ‘extremely online’ person replying to people online, and the post is done in a format of responding to the things he says online and is written by another ‘extremely online’ person?

Counterpoint: No, he doesn’t. He’s a genuinely good person who is imperfect, like everyone is, but is actually willing to learn and grow.

They ignore me aggressively at the mall-based Sephora nearest me but they fawn over skinny 17-year-old girls. Like, who do they think has the money to buy their products, the fat middle aged lady running errands on a Saturday, or the teenager with a $20/week allowance?

I like how people just decided, based on a few polls that didn’t talk to anyone under the age of 45 (or maybe not even that much information), that he’s THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN SAVE US.

FFS The primary lesson we should have learned from 2016 is the fallible nature of polling this far out. Methodology is increasingly

bUt He’S tHe BeSt ChAnCe We HaVe To BeAt TrUmP!

FFS I hope the Democratic party succeeds in pulling it’s head out their collective ass so I don’t have to vote for this shitstain.

Do you think Jude Law is sad J-Law isn’t his nickname?

I want to ask that fool how old he was when he decided to be straight. But I know I’d just be wasting my time.

@patriarchal_leadership commented “Damn unfollow. Sad shit,”