You’re fine with math. You’re clueless about not having a trust fund.
You’re fine with math. You’re clueless about not having a trust fund.
“I’m a guy who’s got along with JUST about everybody.”
The best part is at 1:10 when Trump is introduced to a child and shakes his hand. You can actually see his patented Powershake wanting to come out, but he pulls it back just in time out of consideration for the youth. However, he still has to shift the power into his hips and feet. It’s like Kevin Bacon in that X-Men…
“Read receipts end the guessing game that is modern digital communication. Instead of stressing about if someone has read your text or not, you know.”
Extremely hilariously.
Do you make your grocery list aisle by aisle in your head? I’m in the store for 15 minutes, but I spend an hour and a half sorting my list.
+1 for proper semi-colon usage. Keep teaching these Net-Nerds how Strunk & White would do it.
But we can all agree it shouldn’t matter, right?
Are there really people online giving this the Zappruder treatment? I thought it was a casual throwaway, like two and a half steps in the NBA.
Yep, nope. Watched it 27 times. That’s a double dribble... Go ahead, hit me with the hate.
I did back up the Greek Freak several times when people said he travelled. This seems about as blatant as double dribble can get, but maybe the video is running slow and I’m missing a frame? Idk... seems pretty egregious. Still super cool looking.
That whistle was irritating enough stretched over several hours. I can’t even finish this video.
4 v 5 defense. The Ranadive is strong in this one.
I hate the Patriots so much, and I still think Deadspin deserves this. You look really really stupid.
We’re two weeks in and any government “joke” is already the lowest hanging fruit.
Ok, time for a quick story and a lesson.
“I am Ricky Williams.”
I think most of the time the officer behind him is talking into his walkie saying, “Holy shit, it’s Ricky Williams.”
The way he let the ball hang on his second dribble really made that a tough call. He probably gets 4 steps while the ball is “mid-dribble” on the second bounce. But he found a loophole between a travel and a self-pass on that. And even then... give it up for the timing.