
NO. That’s so fucking millennial. Also, it’s “psych” or “psyche” not “sike” you fucking idiots. (You them, not you you.)

True story:

Is amuck acceptable spelling now?

Remember “Mad Men”? Ad agencies haven’t changed much since then: men still have virtually all the positions of power and women are support staff. There aren’t clear chains of command and drinking, hooking up and relationships are common, mainly due to the long hours and lots of travel. Behavior that would get you

I’d like to point out the first few sentences of that article:

We had a long talk about how fat wasn’t something you are, but rather just something that everyone has. Some people have more and some people have less. And I tried to talk to her about how she is strong and athletic and how her body does exactly what it’s supposed to.

“I truly hope you realize how important setting goals are for young women, teaching them we have so much more to offer than just our bodies,” Moretz wrote.”

Some of us are incredibly nervous fliers who find great comfort in sitting next to a friend/partner. I don’t ever zone out on a flight and relax. Not ever. I *do* often like to hold my husband’s hand during turbulence or bad weather on a flight. People: we’re all different.

Forget the discrimination aspect for one second. I don’t care if I’m a purple Muslim hermaphrodite from Jupiter, if I fucking paid for premium I am sitting in fucking premium, and no fuckers are making me sit in fucking coach, from my severely beaten lifeless body are you taking this from me.

Armed police as the norm honestly terrifies me. I’m grateful I live in a country where police officers don’t routinely carry guns.

I know that around a dozen states a pharmacist can refuse to fill prescriptions for contraception or abortifacients. However, they are required to have another pharmacist or a manager on hand to fill the prescription in their place.

Yeah, this is one of those places where the sheer insidiousness of bigotry rears its ugly head, and it’s only made worse because “insidious” is not the word white, privileged people are trained to associate with bigotry.

As soon as he announced anything about a prescription so others can hear, he violated HIPAA. Civil violation information at link:

Oh absolutely. I’m not saying at all that we shouldn’t have pharmacists, I’m saying they need to stay in their lane. If a prescriptions looks altered, if there is an interaction the doctor didn’t catch, or the prescription is unusual in some way, they should call the doctor to verify first before filling. But for them

it would not have been factually wrong, but can you see how it is both kind and accurate to refer to this woman simply as a woman, as she identifies? 

This is only different from what many modern prisons are doing with their prisoners in that there isn’t as much back-breaking physical labor. 

Today someone said something about the president, and for a moment I pictured Obama. It was the happiest half a second I’ve had in months. 

I know it doesn’t mean much from an internet rando on Jezebel, but I see you around here a lot and I’ve never gotten to express gratitude for the work you do for these parents and children.  Thank you Renard.

I can’t say much for confidentiality reasons but I’m currently volunteering to help with some of the separated families and the whole thing is fucking sickening. A grown man burst into tears in front of me when he told me had to lie to his son to get him to go peacefully when they were being separated. Some of the

I thought it was a white supremacist plan to separate children from their parents, culture, language, and so forth because it will “be better for them,” like European Christians have done to so many indigenous folks in the US and around the world. Bethany Christian Services has gotten their claws into these kids.