
People blaming her/her family for not finding an alternative or filing the correct paperwork:

Poverty isn’t just monetary. It is a poverty of resources, poverty of information, and poverty of advocacy. 

Yeah, no. I’m sorry, but I don’t think you really have much of a leg to stand on.

You have a false belief that you can assess the dependability of an employee based on the number of children they have. The reason anti-discrimination laws are in place is because people wrongly assume that their judgment of an employee is based on fact, when really you’re just stereotyping.

Why would you assume she doesn’t have a plan? I’m currently on a 5 day business trip, pregnant with a toddler at home. It’s been a super productive trip and I’m fine.

I would argue that employers should just over hire just a little bit. They seem to want to hire exactly the number they need. In some cases, they hire even less than they need and just want their employees to work harder. My store is currently understaffed and overworked. Employees are miserable and that cuts down on

What you are doing is illegal and you will face consequences for it eventually. 

Oh man, life is tough, eh? Your wife felt left out during an episode of Today, and now you might actually have to parent your child. Put your fucking feet up and have a drink, you’ve earned it, Superman!

Due to genetics, my 13 year old is tall and thin with long legs. I’m going to have to talk to her about body image. Great. Thanks.

What exactly are you whining about? “People hate us cuz we’re beautiful”?

Am I the only one tired of men and non-reproductive age women making all the decisions about abortion rights?

How on earth do these ungrateful young Muslims get radicalized? ask the people who enact these horrors, with a total lack of self-understanding.

But by saying “Hey dudes! Think of how much money you’ll save if she has an abortion!” is encouraging other conversations:

Part of me is proud she is fighting the good fight; part of me cringes at her “thank God for abortions” and “have 20 abortions...we’ll throw a party”. No one person has the same experience when they have an abortion, but mine was not a party. It was relief, yes, but also pain and regret and naivity. Regret that I

My niece is a pediatrician. One of her requirements when taking on new patients, is that they’re immunized. Her quote “I have too many sick kids in my practice who will be harmed by someone else’s pseudo-scientific beliefs.” Refuse to immunize your kids, find another doctor.

If pharmacists can deny customers because of their beliefs, then college/grad medical programs should staff their admissions offices with counselors that can deny applicants that don’t believe in medicine or helping people. Nip this shit in the bud.

Seriously. At a minimum they could choose one of the many specialties in the healthcare industry where their supposed “morality” won’t be burdened. Do the job or GTFO.

Exactly. Healthcare employers should be able to turn away applicants that don’t “believe” in science or helping people.

People who think their feelings are more important that providing healthcare to a person should not work in healthcare in any capacity.

This thread pretty much says it all for me (twitter link follows my screenshots):