
It’ll hit you at some point. I was the same for a very long time and then one day I knew.

Thank you for your work

and impounded the temporary shelter bus

“From the Paul brothers’ exploitive globe-trotting”

Please tell me the Satanists are going to get involved. Please.

David Lammy is my MP, and while he likes being on telly a bit more than might be healthy, he does a great job of wading in where other MPs fear to tread. I am quite proud of him.

Yes, it’s amazing. Get a car and get off the coach tour routes :)

‘Just lighten up’ is the biggest dickhead phrase ever.

I own dogs and I completely agree with all of your points. I’d love to be able to bring them to more places (I’m in the UK and it’s not super dog friendly here) but I also frequently choose to not bring them to some of the places they are allowed because it’s won’t be fun for the dogs and that means it won’t be fun

Follow the logic. If you don’t like carrots and won’t buy carrots, it doesn’t automatically follow that you think carrots should be wiped off the face of the earth. Similarly, the fact that you would choose to terminate for a Downs diagnosis (which is obviously a much more complex and important matter than picking out

This is so sad. I’m in the UK and despite the constant headlines about the ‘collapse’ of the NHS, my husband has gone from a GP visit to having - non urgent - surgery scheduled within 3 weeks. The only cost will be the Uber to get him home afterwards. This article points out something I never would have guessed: the

1. Is this an American thing? Prosecco and sparkling wine ARE inferior sparkling grape based beverages in comparison to champagne. (Do you actually have carbonated grape juice with added alcohol over there?) The real OJ vs. artificial OJ comparison is completely valid. The quality of materials and methods of

I’m sorry for your loss. I had a termination at 26 weeks because of a diagnosis of Arthrogryposis. My daughter wouldn’t have survived birth. When that far along, you have an injection and then you are induced. The whole process took from Monday to Sunday, partly because I nearly bled out afterwards. It was an

It was misreported; they were letting people off and not taking new passengers. My friend works in an office overlooking the Eye.

I recently had to terminate a pregnancy at 26 weeks due to serious medical issues. In the UK, after 24 weeks, any stillborn baby has to be cremated or buried (you also have to have a very valid reason to terminate, signed off by doctors). Our baby’s funeral is this Friday. While I completely understand this

I am so sorry for your loss, and for the unnecessary things you have to do to access the care you need. I’m in the UK and found out a couple of weeks ago that at 26 weeks pregnant my much wanted little girl had very serious problems. We chose to end the pregnancy rather than let her suffer another moment. It was the

Someone who worked on the last London Punchdrunk production told me a great story. The show was Hollwood themed, and there was a section where a performer would take a guest into their trailer for a ‘this business is tough, kid’ talk. So one evening the performer picks out a small woman and takes her to the trailer.