

If folks want to help, anyone who has a garden, or even a fire escape or roof garden, can plant some bee-feeding flowers. For containers, this is a nice succession: some late-blooming crocuses, some anise hyssop, and some multi-headed, medium-height sunflowers. Underplant with some white clover.

“I have access to a car, but it would be poor judgement to drive that car when I could use public transportation!” Is essentially what you just said.

Everyone is lying here.

“We have a bunch of talented, creative females, but they reach a certain point in their careers ... “

The most damning portion of his statement is not included here. It was his explanation that women don’t actually want to be in leadership roles, because they have “circular ambition” and just “want to be happy”, whereas men have “vertical ambition” and want to be promoted.

Third eye open, well done.

I don't think I ever felt more vulnerable than when I was struggling with infertility and we started looking into the very confusing and difficult process of adoption. Fuck these people from the bottom of my heart. Between them and body shaming Playboy bitch we need a good animal post on Jez stat.

I had a LOT of fun in my twenties, then had two kids so I guess this represents my vag to crazy, possibly fictitious god sandwich lady.

I call bullshit. Understanding bonds and investment principles has zero to do with the every day business of making ends meet for 99% of people. And that business about minorities paying more to borrow money? It’s not because they’re dumb/uneducated about how borrowing works, it’s because our financial system actively

There was sticky rubber stuff and they did NOT stay up and I had a VERY bad walk to breakfast and I am STILL recovering emotionally, they were also a size too big which I told myself did not matter but guess what guys IT DOES

I always have to laugh at the type of response that amounts to “x group are crybabies that can’t handle shit” and meanwhile can’t see how ridiculous it is that they are so upset and aggrieved over the issue/ change themselves. So, you are a little crybaby bitch, too, right? Like if the name is such an unimportant,

“But on the other, it’s a direct reflection on society’s crybaby political correctness.”

Once you are raped, I mean a real rape, not a fake rape, you’ve got to wear a turtleneck, pants, and a poncho over all of that in perpetuity. How dare you show any skin. It’s like you’re just asking to be raped again! ugh. UGH!

you can see the Flying Elbow Cop thinking “THIS IS IT! THE MOMENT I’VE TRAINED MY WHOLE CAREER FOR! THE PEOPLES ELBOW!!!!”

Wouldn’t that technically be a scrotal related issue?

Insurance companies are just horrible when it comes to anything breast related.

Anyone thinking of attending an AA meeting, or currently in AA should read this article:

Also not a lot of people are comfortable with the spiritual overtones and the fact that you have to keep blaming yourself for your problem and alcohol is this all powerful deity that you are not able to resist. It does help and it is good, just not for everyone. I see a substance abuse counselor and that has worked

Except AA generally does not work in the long-term in keeping someone sober.