
Coming out of the gate, their intention was a dark and realistic show, extra serious and big stakes. The writing was awful. A lot of SG fans were furious that they unfluffied the franchise. There was very little humour, they were trying to create that serious and realistic show. And they failed. I read Mallozzi's blog

Can't speak for the rest of the folks on this site but i'd settle for a show that had decent writing. dark & gritty brand or light and witty, i don't much care. SGU was a writing disaster.

magical people in capes with their underpants on the outside as bellwethers of moral slide. time to blame the democrats! as a canadian, watching the descent into political madness of our southern neighbours is both terrifying and fascinating. i am only sad that we are following america down that rabbit hole. as with

sorry. just not a fan of the superhero genre.

it's a superhero. expecting it not to be stupid and plastic is kind of silly.

I like Summer, I haven't seen her range tested so I can't really speak to her skills as an actor. And I'll note that a performance that's seen in a broadcast is shaped by a great many hands beginning directly with the writer and director and affected by any number of other persons and factors before landing on the

I'm among the seeming majority of folks that don't love the faux sleek site update. I am somewhat less grumpy now that I can stay in blog view as it reduces the annoyance of visual litter to a degree. It would be lovely to disappear the stupid headline column but that seems an unlikely outcome. BUT... as a migraine

Last half of the ride is flat and doesn't go anywhere?

if only the walking tank had sprung to life from another shape, like a used kia rio, this could have had a budget in the tens of millions.

as a grump that has no patience for super heroes, i applaud this fine exemplar of the genre. a genre which is well known for promoting realistic and positive body image for boys and girls. i look forward to the failure of this series and other instances of the external underpants and spandex set.

i think you'd have to be on an amphetamine jag to imagine that a ninety page speech was a good idea. i think my favourite thing about that ponderous turd of a novel is that the 'men of the mind', her heroic egoists, resolve the fact that the world isn't as they want it to be by taking their ball and going home.

as a youth i read the rand books beginning with 'anthem' then 'the fountainhead' and then i burrowed through 'atlas shrugged'. by the end of that terminally drab pile of crap i was cured. i even remember the setting those many years ago, at the parent's cottage, as i plowed through page after tedious page of the

Fire. Kill it with fire.

@given: no argument here. and while moore obviously had a bone to pick with the folks that gave him his bankable experience and wealth, he also turns a blind eye to every star trek non-humanoid alien such as the horta rock monster that spock mind melded with, the flickering cloud light being and of course those pesky

@lucky_you: ron moore: douche ex machina

@Mr.Wake: but but but... i am a canuck.

@warchief_zuljin: actually the ratings have slipped during the third season to an average of just over 400,000 while the first two seasons averaged over 500,000. the show averaged around 3 million viewers on soapnet in the states and they've picked up season 3 which they'll start running this month.

@Mr.Wake: no more maple syrup for you mr wake. none. not any. we are very different from america. honest.

@Eseph: if magic people in stretchy pants and capes who put their undies on the outside are sci-fi...