
Janelle Monae is a science fiction influence worthy of a top 20 list? And her sound is ultra eclectic? My goodness what is this strange phenomenon called R&B dance music? I see your pedestrian Janelle and I'll raise you one P-Funk. I win.

@Unsub: as a survivor of the music industry, i'd like to note that the real pirates are the cats that want to sue kids into the ground. some friends of mine had a little party last year around this time. they'd finally paid off their contract to their label. took them nearly a decade to pay back the company for whom

@ShanaLD: look at doc lizardo's original comment. this is ostensibly a science fiction site yet the great weight of coverage is now super hero movie related. but you make a great statement further down the thread about the creative becoming secondary the purview of the accountants.

@Dr Emilio Lizardo: Kudos. Science fiction cinema has gone to crap with the glut of super hero junk.

@GitEmSteveDave: Because I'd like to see genre films show a little more ambition and a little less of a direct line to the toy aisle. Science fiction cinema has devolved to a parade of super hero dreck and animated toy commercials.

@amazingmao: The sequel to a pile of shiny garbage doesn't require much thought. I haven't seen Transformers either but I'm pretty sure it won't exceed low expectations. Even as a stoned youth the first movie was laugh out loud stupid under the tinsel. But by all means, enjoy the Day-glo ultimate frisbee show.

@Jordyce: When Gilliam is good he is very, very good and when he is bad it's a car crash. But at least he presents a unique vision.

@Jordyce: Well as long as it's only the story and characters that don't hold up...

@Faren22: After month on month of dull clips, endless shiny pics and breathless hype for a sequel to a deeply stupid movie. None of the clips indicated a story worth revisiting, a story that I saw in the theatre back in the day. There was never a question that this would be a spectacular looking movie. Of course it

@SolCross: You missed number four, refuse.

Good. The more that these stupid reboots, remakes, reimaginings and refuse lose the more likely the film industry is liable to turn to original material. I'll just wait for the magical underpants people movies to start flopping and the world will be a better place for it.

+ Points for bothering to do it.

Looks like it had a better script than any of the transformer movies... underwear!

@ManchuCandidate: we gave you ingrates Starlost.... um, nevermindshuttingupnow...

The Stargate franchise died a few years ago. This show came out of the gate (hah) hobbled by leaden, inept writing for characters that utterly lacked charisma. Evidently the idea was to be dark and gritty brand Stargate. As the "adult" version of the franchise it was all histrionics and awkward love scenes with

julian is such a sweetheart of a guy! glad to see him on supernatural.

@MrFresh: pointless sequel suit ya better?

saw it in the theatre back in the day. it was fun to look at but even with the recreational enhancements i recall it being no more than dumb and shiny. perfect fodder for the cultural auto-cannibalism machine. i could probably care less about this reboot but it ain't worth the effort.