
@stefan094: not to terrify you too much stefan, but if you are thriving, you are doing so with gays all around you. just as your daddy did and his father before him.

so in the interest of tolerance, this shows us that the evangelical sets simply lack a sufficiency of mercury in their diets.

i love io9 but it would be nice to dial back the super-heroes. while i suppose they are tangentially related to science fiction, the dc/marvel nexus is the least compelling aspect of the genre to me and many others who prefer a little more substance.

@storymark: well when it comes to name recognition the same metric can be applied to a lot of the comic book shows coming out and they are by no means inexpensive.

Seems to me the smart move would be to say Buffy is done. But how about turning Fray into a series or movie? That at least, while related, carries the mythos into new areas without trampling the loved ones.

@Oasx: well here's the thing, the super hero movies are being trotted out as tent pole genre flicks. they generally run with enormous budgets to cover effects and cg elements. and they are rampant at a time when hollywood proper is making fewer movies of any sort. what follows from this is that it has become far less

Hey Charlie-J, it might be noted that shows also get cancelled as soon as you start declaring them the best thing on television. Could it be that you have the touch of the jinx?

@Oasx: i would suggest that comedy and action are broader genre descriptions than super-hero-comic-book movie. but other than that, brilliant argument.

@OrIONx: um... i don't think acting ability is an especially important consideration to play this sort of character. the youong lady in the photo has both of the talents required to goof about on screen in a gaudy one piece swim suit.

"We" so pesky, so royal. I for one am hoping the bottom drops out of the super hero wave and science fiction is no longer associated with magical steroid goofs that get their under pants to trousers order of operations wrong.

sigh. more lame super hero twaddle.

I watched the first couple of episodes and it just plain did not catch me. There's a petty part of myself that is glad to see anything that reprehensible hypocrite Ron Moore touches go to hell. But I feel for the cast and crew as I know how all consuming and difficult a task they have in actually making the show.

@Alaska Jack: What a thoroughly content free statement. Card is an extremist who sanctions making war on his own country to suppress the fundamental rights of his fellow citizens. He is no different or better than any other extremist holding radical religious views that they'd like to impose upon their neighbours,

@screemname: it had to do with the larger conversation that was taking place in the comments to the post. but since you didn't really ask, the clip was less than wonderful.

I read the Ender books on the recommendation of a friend. And they really were a good read. Then I read some of the odious bile that Card espouses. My reaction to his philosophy was visceral, I wrapped the books up and threw them into the trash. Landfill.

@ancorder: You're also saving on distribution and shipping, storage, returns, logisitics, warehouse staff. The more difficult to enjoy, to share and enthuse over with peers, the less valuable that item becomes and the less interesting the experience of it.

here's hoping this brainless twaddle fails on a massive scale

the event looks really interesting. sanctuary is a guilty, goofy pleasure. sgu can dive into a sun and never emerge, no ordinary family looks like a sure cancellation, ditto for undercovers and nikita. all together a dismal looking crop outside of the event, supernatural and fringe.

i sincerely hope that all of these comic book movies start losing vast sums of money. die spandex warriors of infinite stupidity, die.

in the ocean no one can hear you pee