
@Sabithomega: this is a redrock micro shoulder mount and likely similar to what you are referring to from bourne or private ryan. the rails support the camera, follow focus, battery, monitor etc. the weight of the camera is then supported by the operator and there is no mechanical buffer between the operator's

@Sabithomega: steadicam is designed to take shake out of shots by balancing the camera on gimbels and shock absorbing armatures anchored to the operators core. hence "steadi" the are numerous ways to achieve shake where one might choose it as an aesthetic. there are artificial shakes that can be applied in post and

@Sabithomega: hand held is what you are describing. with larger cameras the support for weight is distributed to the shoulders but the camera is steered by hand. steadicam is a system where the camera is mounted on a gimbel that is in turn supported by a counter sprung armature, usually in two stages, that is attached

oh hollywood. where imagination goes to die.

For all of the folks trumpeting the private sector's ability to do this or that, I encourage you to call up various customer service lines and report back on the state of efficiency, quality and skill you encounter.

@Yvonmukluk: i figure i'll watch serenity once more and enjoy the browncoat action, shed a tear and i'll be way better off than feeding the bay trash generation machine

transformers 3 with alan tudyk = a big steaming turd with candy sprinkles.

billie joe armstrong = failpunk. this manifesto is twaddlepunk.

@syafiqjabar of Mars: there's a club? the comic book superhero movie trend of the last few years is generating crap. expensive, flashy, visually stunning crap. thor looks like utter crap from the trailer posted elsewhere on the site. you are free to indulge to your heart's content just as i am free to bemoan the

@GirlLibrarian: Here here! Blanket coverage for crapfests and cartoon tripe. What happened to sf? It's turned into an excuse to sell burgers and toys. Used to be a genre that fostered imagination and required a dash of wit from the consumer. Enough with the superhero comic tripe already. It's telling that Duncan Jones

that might be the stupidest super hero trailer i've seen so far. which is saying something in a field of highly concentrated stupid.

that might be the stupidest super hero trailer i've seen so far. which is saying something in a field of highly concentrated stupid.

@palinode: there's no stopping a well hydrated constrictor.

@The New No. 2: by whedon's admission the budget for dr horrible was in the low six figures. i've heard $200 grand and that appears to be about right.

@artum: doc horrible was an amusing blip on the radar. it was cute and twee and felicia is adorable but it wasn't exactly a great work of cinema. it amounts to one hour in television time. sure, it was a success of sorts but were it not for whedon's formidable reputation and following, the same piece delivered without

@nutnics: villains? they'd be in the production offices i'd wager.

bleah. so sick of superhero dreck. about time for whedon to redeem himself he's been floundering since firefly got scrubbed.

they'd be better off hiring some quality writers instead of lame stunt casting.

@Andy Neil: better if eli made a clone of chloe, only with a moustache so nobody would recognize her. eli does some fancy dna coding that makes neo-chloe insanely devoted only to eli. neo-chloe, sensing the pain that chloe 1.0 has caused eli, attacks her forebear. their battle rages through the three corridors of